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Author: Clarke & Rush

How Proper Installation Impacts AC Performance: A Cool Guide for Hot Days

TL;DR: Proper AC installation is crucial for efficiency, longevity, and comfort. It involves placing the unit correctly, ensuring balanced ductwork and airflow, precise thermostat placement, and selecting the right size unit. Professional installers offer expertise, compliance with regulations, access to specialized tools, warranty assurance, and cost efficiency. For a smooth installation experience and optimal performance, trust professionals like Clarke and Rush. Stay cool, call us for help!


Nearly 90% of American households have installed AC units. However, there are cases of improper AC installation that have prevented homeowners from embarking on a journey toward comfort, safety, and efficiency. So, we must learn how proper installation impacts AC performance and discover the ways experts navigate the waters.

Picture this. It’s the middle of summer, the sun is beating down like it’s got a personal vendetta, and you’re about to turn on your brand-new air conditioner. You hit the switch, expecting a blast of arctic bliss… and instead, you get a lukewarm breeze that couldn’t cool a cup of coffee. 

So, what’s the issue? 

Well, friend, it might just be that your AC wasn’t installed properly. Let’s dive into why proper installation is the secret ingredient to keeping you cool!

AC Unit Placement

First things first, where your AC unit calls home matters – a lot. Imagine throwing a house party and placing the DJ booth in the bathroom; it just doesn’t work. Similarly, placing your outdoor unit in a cramped, poorly ventilated space is like asking it to run a marathon while breathing through a straw. It needs space to breathe! 

A properly installed unit is positioned in a well-ventilated area, free from obstructions that could block airflow. This not only improves efficiency but also prolongs the life of your AC unit.

A Balancing Act: Ductwork and Airflow

Ductwork might not be the first thing on your mind when installing an AC, but it’s as crucial as remembering to put pants on before leaving the house. Leaky or improperly sized ducts are like trying to drink a milkshake through a cocktail straw – you’re not getting much out of it. 

Proper installation ensures that ducts are sealed tight and sized just right, ensuring cool air flows freely and efficiently throughout your space. It’s the difference between a pleasant breeze and a full-on arctic expedition in your living room.

The Power of Precision: Thermostat Placement

Placing your thermostat is like finding the perfect spot on the couch for TV viewing – it has to be just right. A thermostat installed near windows, doors, or in direct sunlight might think it’s hotter than it is, causing your AC to work overtime and your energy bills to skyrocket. 

Focusing on proper installation can ensure that the thermostat is placed in a central location away from misleading heat sources, ensuring that your AC works smarter, not harder.

Size Does Matter

When it comes to AC units, size isn’t just a number. It’s a lifeline. Installing an AC unit that’s too small is like using a handheld fan to cool a ballroom –  it’s just not going to cut it. Conversely, a unit that is too large isn’t doing you any favors either.

Proper installation involves calculating the perfect size based on your space’s square footage, insulation, and other factors, ensuring your unit is just right for your needs. No more, no less.

The Importance of a Good Connection

Electrical connections in AC installation need to be solid and reliable. Poor wiring or incorrect voltage can lead to inefficiencies, malfunctions, or safety hazards. A properly installed AC is like a best friend – reliable, efficient, and safe, with wiring that’s up to code and secure connections. It’s the kind of friendship that keeps on giving, season after season.

Calibration Is Key

An AC unit that isn’t properly calibrated looks nice but doesn’t do its job. Proper installation includes calibrating your unit to ensure it operates at peak efficiency, from the coolant levels to the thermostat settings. 

Maintenance Tricks

Finally, let’s talk maintenance. Installing an AC properly is just the beginning. Regular check-ups by professionals can keep your AC unit in shipshape condition, extending its lifespan and ensuring it operates at peak efficiency. 

This ongoing care is crucial for catching potential issues before they escalate. Proper installation sets the stage for easy, effective maintenance, ensuring your unit stays efficient and effective for years to come. It’s the secret to a long, cool life for your AC.

How Professional AC Installation Services Can Help

While it may be tempting to attempt AC installation on your own, guided by YouTube tutorials and advice as your compass, navigating these seas without a seasoned crew can lead to choppy waters ahead. That’s where the importance of professional services comes into play, transforming what could be a turbulent voyage into smooth sailing. 

Let’s dive deep into why calling in the pros may be necessary.

Precision Planning and Expertise

First and foremost, professional AC installers ensure your installation is planned with precision and carried out properly. This includes conducting detailed assessments of your space to determine the optimal type, size, and placement of your unit. 

Much like a skilled captain charts a course considering currents and weather, a professional installer calculates load requirements and airflow dynamics to ensure your AC runs efficiently and effectively.

Installation Perfection

The actual installation of an AC unit is delicate, and professionals are well aware of that. Every step, from securing mounts to connecting electrical wiring, demands a level of precision that only comes with experience.  Think of them as the ballerinas of the HVAC world – graceful, precise, and making each challenging move look effortless. 

Compliance and Safety

Navigating the labyrinth of codes and regulations governing AC installation can be daunting. Professionals come equipped with a map of these regulations, ensuring that every aspect of the installation complies with local codes and industry standards. 

The Right Tools for the Job

Professional installers arrive with specialized tools and equipment, ensuring that every part of the installation process is executed with precision. This includes everything from gauges for measuring refrigerant levels to specialized tools for securing electrical connections. It’s this access to the right tools that can make the difference between a smooth installation and a rocky one.

Warranty and Peace of Mind

Professionals not only ensure that your warranty remains intact, but many also offer additional guarantees on their workmanship. This peace of mind is invaluable, offering a lifeline in the rare event that issues arise post-installation.

Time and Cost Efficiency

American homeowners spend $29 billion every year on air conditioning systems. But this cost may increase if the demand for repairs and replacements becomes more frequent. Mistakes made during self-made installations can lead to inefficiencies, increased energy bills, and costly repairs. 


When discovering how proper installation impacts AC performance, you must consider efficiency, longevity, and peace of mind. The way your AC is installed will determine whether you spend a summer in sweat-soaked misery or one filled with blissful, cool comfort. 

Enlisting the aid of professional services is crucial to having an experienced crew on your side during the grand voyage of AC installation. 

So, when it comes time to install your next AC unit, remember – proper installation isn’t just a detail; it’s the whole ballgame. With this guide in hand and the help from Clarke and Rush, you’re ready to hit a home run. Call us and stay cool, our friends.

Understanding the Lifespan: How Long Do Digital Thermostats Last?

TL;DR: Digital thermostats typically last around 10 years, influenced by factors like brand quality, installation, and maintenance. Signs of replacement include inaccurate temperature control, display issues, and frequent short-cycling. Smart thermostats offer advanced features and potentially longer lifespans. Maintenance tips include regular cleaning, professional installation, and sticking to programmed schedules. When replacing, ensure compatibility with your HVAC system and consider features like WiFi connectivity and budget.


Digital thermostats have become indispensable in managing the comfort of your home. They offer the convenience of programmability, accuracy in maintaining room temperature, and integration with smart home systems. So, how long do digital thermostats last?

Understanding how long digital thermostats last becomes crucial as you seek to maximize energy efficiency and control your energy bills. Although the average lifespan of a digital thermostat is approximately 10 years, factors such as brand quality, installation, and the environment in which they operate can influence this timeline.

As an electrician or homeowner invested in the longevity of your HVAC system, you must learn to recognize the signs that might indicate it’s time to replace your thermostat. This article will guide you through the expected lifespan of digital thermostats, strategies to maintain their optimal performance, and tips to prolong their operation in your HVACs. 

Whether you’re assessing wear or troubleshooting functionality issues, you’ll learn practical insights to ensure your thermostat, and by extension, your smart thermostats, supports your digital, connected lifestyle efficiently for years to come. So, let’s get into it!

The Expected Lifespan of Digital Thermostats

When you’re considering the durability of your home’s digital thermostat, it’s important to note that the average lifespan hovers around the 10-year mark. However, several factors can influence this expectancy:

Installation and Maintenance

The installation and maintenance of your thermostat play significant roles. Premium brands often offer longer-lasting devices, and professional installation can prevent early failure.

Like any household device, regular care, including cleaning and software updates for smart thermostats, can prolong its life. Placement matters. Devices in areas with direct sunlight, high humidity, or extreme temperatures may have reduced lifespans. Traditional mechanical thermostats may outlast digital ones due to fewer complex components.

Thermostats over 10 years old may not function as efficiently, potentially impacting your energy bills and prompting the need for a replacement. But lifespans can vary per model. For example, some users report 5 years for certain models, while others may last beyond 10 years.

Signs Your Digital Thermostat May Need Replacing

As your digital thermostat approaches or exceeds the decade mark, it’s wise to keep an eye out for signs that may indicate it’s time for a replacement. If you notice your room temperature often doesn’t match the setting on your thermostat, this could signal that the device is no longer functioning accurately.

Difficulty adjusting settings or a display that’s blank or unlit are clear signs that your thermostat might be failing. If your HVAC system turns on and off more often than usual, known as short-cycling, this can point to a thermostat problem.

A programmable thermostat that frequently loses its settings is a red flag. An unexpected increase in energy bills may be due to a thermostat causing your HVAC system to overwork. If your HVAC system doesn’t start up or respond promptly when you adjust your thermostat settings, this could be a sign of malfunction.

Remember, a thermostat situated in direct sunlight or near large openings may give false readings. If your HVAC system remains unresponsive to thermostat changes, it’s likely time to consider a replacement. 

The Impact of Technology on Thermostat Longevity

The advent of smart thermostats has revolutionized how you manage your home’s heating and cooling systems. These devices provide several key benefits:

  • Learning Schedules. Smart thermostats adapt to your daily patterns, automatically adjusting the temperature for optimal comfort and efficiency.
  • Weather Optimization. These thermostats ensure your home is always at the right temperature, rain or shine, by syncing with local weather data.
  • Geofencing. This feature allows the thermostat to detect when you’re away from home, adjusting the settings to save energy.
  • Programmability. Set your heating and cooling schedule for the week, and never worry about manual adjustments.
  • Accuracy and Connectivity. Enjoy precise temperature control and the ability to manage settings remotely.
  • Energy Monitoring. Keep track of your energy consumption and identify opportunities to save more.
  • Self-Updating Features. Firmware updates are delivered and installed automatically, ensuring your device stays up-to-date without manual intervention.

By integrating these advanced features, smart thermostats not only enhance your comfort and convenience but also have the potential to remain a functional part of your HVAC system for a long time, possibly extending beyond the lifespan of traditional thermostats.

Maintenance Tips to Extend Your Thermostat’s Life

To keep your digital thermostat functioning optimally and possibly extend its lifespan beyond the typical 10 years, consider these maintenance tips:

Regular Cleaning and Care

Dust off the thermostat’s exterior and interior components gently to prevent accumulation that can affect its sensitivity. Replace batteries annually to avoid power issues that can cause erratic HVAC cycling. Ensure professional maintenance checks to identify and resolve any technical glitches early on.

Installation and Environmental Factors

Have your thermostat installed by a professional to ensure it’s correctly calibrated with your HVAC system. Keep thermostats away from direct sunlight, drafts, and extreme temperatures to prevent false readings and overworking. Control indoor humidity levels to protect the thermostat’s electronic components.

Usage and System Maintenance

To maintain the thermostat’s efficiency, stick to programmed schedules and minimize manual overrides. Regularly replace HVAC filters, seal ductwork, and calibrate your thermostat for accurate temperature readings. Lubricate moving parts, clear vents, and monitor gas connections to support your entire heating system’s longevity.

By following these practices, you can help ensure that your thermostat, and by extension, your HVAC system, maintains room temperature effectively, keeps your energy bills in check, and possibly surpasses the expected how long digital thermostats last benchmark.

Choosing a Replacement: What to Look for in a New Digital Thermostat

When it’s time to replace your digital thermostat, you have a variety of options that cater to different needs and preferences. 


Check that the thermostat is compatible with your HVAC system, considering factors like voltage, heating and cooling stages, and the number of wires. Ensure the new thermostat fits well in the designated wall space and is compatible with any security or wireless systems you have in place. Look for WiFi capability to adjust settings remotely via smartphones or tablets.

Another factor to consider is choosing the pricing of the unit. Make sure that the digital thermostat you choose is well within your budget while catering to your home’s individual needs.

Final Words: How Long Do Digital Thermostats Last?

Thanks to our exploration of how long digital thermostats last, we recognize the delicate balance between technological advances and the practical longevity of our devices. The common lifespan of around 10 years can fluctuate based on various factors, including environmental conditions, ongoing maintenance, and the quality of the initial installation. 

Clarke and Rush is a trained and certified company that offers fast HVAC system service. We pride ourselves in over a thousand 5-star reviews and many more satisfied customers. 

If you’re ready to take the next step in home temperature management, explore your options and elevate your home’s efficiency here. Call us today and enjoy your home like never before!

Why Spring is the Best Time for Gutter Repair in Sacramento

Gutter repairs in spring are essential for maintaining your home’s integrity and preventing water damage by addressing winter wear and ensuring readiness for rainy seasons.

As a homeowner welcoming in spring, you may be thinking of the essential maintenance tasks your home needs and gutter repair stands out as a crucial, yet often overlooked, aspect of preparing your home for spring. Having any problems with your gutters addressed as soon as possible is the best way to ensure your home remains safe.

Gutter repair is a critical aspect of home maintenance, serving as the frontline defense against water damage that can compromise the integrity of a home’s foundation and structure. Neglecting this vital task can lead to costly repairs, making it essential to address any issues promptly to ensure your home remains safe and dry.

The Aftermath of Winter: Assessing and Addressing Gutters

The winter months in Sacramento, despite not being as harsh as in some other regions, can still exert significant stress on your gutter system. The accumulation of fallen leaves, twigs, and other debris, compounded by potential storm damage, leaves gutters vulnerable as spring arrives. This aftermath of winter necessitates a thorough assessment to ensure your home’s gutters are prepared for the upcoming seasons.

Addressing gutter repairs as part of your spring maintenance routine is not just about rectifying the visible damage but also about preemptive measures to secure your home against future weather adversities. Repairing any winter-induced damages ensures that gutters can efficiently channel water away from your home, preventing the risks of water intrusion, mold growth, and foundation erosion.

The Importance of Gutter Repairs

Your gutters are essential for safeguarding the structural integrity and longevity of your home. The gutters on your house play a pivotal role in managing rainwater and protecting your roof, walls, foundation, and landscape from water damage. When gutters are compromised, the consequences can be severe, affecting not just the aesthetics of your home but its very foundation. Ensuring your gutters are in good working condition has several benefits including:

  • Prevents Water Damage: Properly functioning gutters direct rainwater away from your home, preventing water from pooling around the foundation, which can lead to costly repairs.
  • Protects the Roof: Clogged or damaged gutters can cause water to pool on your roof, leading to leaks, mold, and rot that compromise your roof’s integrity.
  • Safeguards Against Flooding: By channeling water away from your home, repaired and clear gutters reduce the risk of water seeping into your basement, a common issue that can cause extensive damage and mold growth.
  • Maintains Home Value and Aesthetics: Gutters in good repair not only function well but also contribute to the overall curb appeal of your home, maintaining its value and appearance.
  • Prevents Landscaping Erosion: Gutters direct water flow in a controlled manner, preventing erosion and protecting your landscaping and soil from being washed away during heavy rains.
  • Reduces the Risk of Pest Infestations: Standing water in clogged gutters can attract pests like mosquitoes, rodents, and other insects, leading to potential infestations.

In essence, the importance of gutter repairs cannot be overstated. They are a key component in maintaining the health of your home, from top to bottom. Regular checks, maintenance, and prompt repairs can save homeowners from facing unexpected and often expensive damage.

DIY Gutter Maintenance Tasks

Maintaining your gutters effectively wards off numerous potential issues, such as foundational and water damage. While certain gutter repairs necessitate the expertise of professionals, there are various maintenance activities that homeowners themselves can carry out to ensure their gutter system remains in peak condition.

These DIY tasks not only prolong the lifespan of your gutters but also help avert more serious, expensive repairs in the future. Below are several straightforward maintenance tasks you can undertake to keep your gutters clean and functioning properly, thereby safeguarding your home.

  • Regular Cleaning: At least twice a year, in the spring and fall, clean your gutters to remove leaves, twigs, and debris. This prevents blockages that can lead to water overflow and damage. Using a ladder, gloves, and a garden hose, you can effectively clear out your gutters, ensuring water can flow freely.
  • Inspect for Damage: While cleaning, inspect your gutters for signs of wear and tear, such as cracks, holes, or areas where they may be pulling away from the house. Early detection of these issues can make repairs more manageable and less costly.
  • Seal Leaks: If you find small holes or cracks, you can apply gutter sealant from the inside to patch them up. Make sure the gutter is dry and clean before applying the sealant for the best results.
  • Secure Loose Gutters: Check the hardware that attaches your gutters to your home. If any sections are loose, tighten the screws or hangers to ensure the gutters are securely attached and have the proper slope for drainage.
  • Install Gutter Guards: To minimize the amount of debris that enters your gutters, consider installing gutter guards. These can significantly reduce the frequency of gutter cleanings and protect against clogs. Many gutter guard systems are designed for homeowner installation.
  • Check Downspouts for Clogs: Ensure that your downspouts are clear of obstructions. If water isn’t flowing freely from the downspouts, use a plumber’s snake to clear out the clogs. Additionally, make sure downspouts direct water away from your home’s foundation to prevent water damage.

By performing these DIY gutter maintenance tasks regularly, you can keep your gutter system in good working order and protect your home from water-related issues. Remember, safety is paramount and you should seek the assistance of a professional if at anytime a task is beyond your comfort.

Choosing a Gutter Repair Service in Sacramento

Choosing the right gutter repair service in Sacramento requires careful consideration to ensure your home receives the best care. Look for a service with a strong reputation, evidenced by positive reviews and testimonials from local homeowners. It’s also important to select a company that is licensed and insured, providing peace of mind that they adhere to the highest standards of safety and professionalism.

The importance of hiring a professional to repair or replace your gutters cannot be overstated. Professionals bring not only their expertise but also specialized tools and materials that the average homeowner may not have access to. They can accurately diagnose the root cause of gutter problems, recommend effective solutions, and execute repairs with precision. This level of expertise ensures that repairs are done correctly the first time, preventing minor issues from escalating into costly damage.

Moreover, professionals can offer advice on maintaining your gutter system and make recommendations for improvements, such as installing gutter guards or upgrading to more durable materials. In the long run, investing in professional gutter repair or replacement services can save time, money, and ensure the structural integrity of your home against water damage.

Professional Gutter Repair & Replacement Services Near You

In conclusion, the significance of gutter repair during the spring season in Sacramento cannot be overlooked. This period provides a crucial window to address any damage sustained over the harsh winter months and to prepare your home’s gutter system for the year ahead. By engaging in regular maintenance, assessing for winter damage, and undertaking necessary repairs or upgrades, homeowners can protect their property from potential water damage and ensure the longevity of their gutter system.

If you’re looking for expert gutter repair and replacement services this spring in Sacramento, Clarke & Rush is your go-to solution.We offer comprehensive gutter solutions, from thorough inspections and repairs to complete gutter replacements, ensuring your home is protected against water damage. Our dedication to quality workmanship, coupled with our commitment to customer satisfaction, makes us a leader in HVAC and home maintenance services. Trust Clarke & Rush to keep your gutters in optimal condition year-round

Frequently Asked Questions About Gutter Maintenance

Why is gutter maintenance so important?

Gutter maintenance is crucial because gutters play a significant role in protecting your home from water damage. Properly functioning gutters direct rainwater away from your home’s foundation, walls, and landscaping, preventing erosion, basement flooding, and other moisture-related issues. Neglecting gutter maintenance can lead to costly repairs and damage to your property.

What are the signs that my gutters need repair?

Signs that your gutters need attention include visible sagging, leaks during rain, pooled water around your home’s foundation, peeling paint or rust on the gutters, and evidence of pests or birds nesting in the gutter channels. Any of these issues warrant a professional inspection.

Can I repair gutters myself, or should I hire a professional?

While some minor gutter maintenance tasks can be DIY, for comprehensive repairs or inspections, it’s advisable to hire a professional. Professionals have the necessary experience, tools, and knowledge of Sacramento’s specific climate challenges to ensure that your gutter system is effectively protecting your home.

Get The Best Out Of Your AC With Proper Maintenance

TL;DR: Regular maintenance is vital for your AC’s longevity and efficiency. Neglect leads to breakdowns and reduced performance. DIY tasks like cleaning coils and checking drain lines are essential, while professionals handle inspections and repairs to prevent costly issues. Clarke and Rush offer expert AC maintenance in Sacramento, California.

According to the US Department of Energy, an air conditioning system that is well maintained typically lasts 15 to 20 years. However, reaching this impressive milestone requires attention and care through proper maintenance. Ignoring the needs of your AC causes frequent breakdowns and chips away at the system’s efficiency.

You want your AC to be in the best shape for as long as possible because replacing it is expensive. Regular upkeep can keep your AC unit operating without issue.

The goal of this article is to show you how proper maintenance keeps your AC running smoothly. By staying on top of a few simple tasks, you can avoid unexpected repairs and ensure your system serves you well for years to come.

The Benefits of Regular Maintenance

By scheduling regular check-ups, you ensure that your AC unit operates at its best and doesn’t experience any sudden malfunctions. When your AC doesn’t have to operate through dust build-up, low refrigerant levels, or faulty thermostat settings, it uses less power, which is a win for your wallet. Some other ways you and your AC can benefit from regular maintenance include:

  • Improved performance and efficiency: A well-maintained AC doesn’t have to work as hard to condition the air in your home, which means it uses less energy and, in turn, lowers your energy bills. That is a win-win situation because you save money and help reduce some of the 1,950 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions produced by AC every year.
  • Longer duration of your AC unit: With proper care, an AC system can last longer, saving you an expensive replacement. The ASHI estimates that installing a new AC can cost between $5000 and $12,000, with the price varying between AC models and sizes.
  • Better indoor air quality: By replacing air filters and cleaning the coils, you can prevent dust, dirt, and other pollutants from making their way into your indoor air. You and your family can breathe better air and not spend extra money on additional air-quality gadgets like air purifiers.

How to Deal with Common AC Issues

If you don’t regularly inspect your AC and promptly address issues, you’re setting yourself up for future headaches. Your AC needs a certain level of attention to keep it running smoothly. Some of the most common issues you might encounter if you neglect your air conditioning system include:

  • Frozen coils: This issue usually stems from poor airflow, which can be due to dirty air filters or blocked ducts. Ensure you clean or replace the air filters every few months, and keep vents and ducts clear of obstructions. Regular cleaning can help prevent debris from blocking the airflow, which in turn helps avoid pesky frozen coils.
  • Leaking refrigerant: If your AC isn’t cooling as well as it should, or you notice puddles around the unit, it’s probably leaking. Monitoring your AC’s performance and scheduling regular check-ups can help catch leaks early.
  • Failing compressor: If the compressor breaks down, you’ll have to pay significant repair or replacement costs. Regular maintenance is your best defense against compressor failure. It includes cleaning coils, checking refrigerant levels, and lubricating the AC system.

Maintenance Tips for Your AC

Regular AC maintenance involves several steps, each crucial for preventing performance issues and extending the life of your system. You can do them yourself or entrust them to a certified AC professional. Either way, you have to take care of these things if you want the AC system to keep working.

Straighten The Condenser Fins on The Outdoor Unit

These fins can get bent over time, which impedes airflow and reduces your AC’s efficiency. Straightening them is delicate, but it will make it easier for the AC to disperse the extra hot air. Check the fins at least once yearly, preferably before the cooling season starts, to see if they’re in good shape.

Clean the Drain Line

This line allows condensation from the cooling process to exit your AC system, preventing water from leaking into your home or the unit. A clogged drain line can lead to mold, water damage, and reduced efficiency, so you should check it regularly for blockages.

Clean the Coils

AC systems have evaporator and condenser coils responsible for the heat exchange process that keeps the air cold. Dust and debris can collect on the coils and insulate them, reducing efficiency. Cleaning them is very straightforward and includes the following steps:

  • Turn off the power to the unit.
  • Gently rinse the condenser coil with a garden hose.
  • Use a soft brush and coil cleaner to take care of the evaporator coil.

Check The Refrigerant Levels

If your system develops a leak and the refrigerant levels drop, your AC won’t cool as effectively, which can cause the compressor to overheat and fail. If you notice your system is less efficient or making strange noises, you might be dealing with a refrigerant leak. Handling refrigerant requires special equipment and training, so it is best left to a professional.

Insulate The Refrigerant Lines

The refrigerant lines allow the compound to travel between the indoor and outdoor units, but their insulation can degrade over time. This results in energy loss and reduced cooling power. Having a professional check the insulation and replace it if necessary can help maintain your system’s efficiency.

Inspect the Electrical Connections

Connections can become loose over time, and corrosion can set in, leading to malfunctions or even posing a fire risk. Such problems are best left to professional AC technicians, as working with electrical components can be dangerous without the proper knowledge and tools.

Professional Maintenance: What to Expect

When you hire professionals for your AC maintenance, you’re signing up for a thorough check of your system. Technicians perform annual inspections that cover every nook and cranny of your unit. During the inspection, the professionals will do the following things:

  • Examine the electrical connections to ensure everything is tight and functioning correctly.
  • Check the refrigerant levels to make sure your system is running efficiently.
  • Inspect the ductwork for any air leaks.

Beyond just looking things over, these pros will get their hands dirty with cleaning and repairs. You can expect them to clean the condensate drain and replace air filters. On the repair side, anything from worn belts to faulty wiring that they uncover during the inspection will get fixed up. These actions prevent breakdowns during peak heating and cooling season and significantly extend the lifespan of your AC unit.

Keep Your AC in Good Working Order In Sacramento, California

Regular AC maintenance checks can prevent unexpected breakdowns, saving money and hassle. But if you’re unsure where to start or think you have a problem with the unit, contact Clarke and Rush in Sacramento, California.

Our company has 60 years of experience in the HVAC business, and our 95 service professionals can handle any AC system. Even before you call us, you can chat with our service agents, who are available 24 hours a day. Tell them your AC trouble, and they’ll advise you on your next step.

If you want to see how proper maintenance keeps your AC running smoothly, call us today!



Why is regular AC maintenance important?

Regular maintenance ensures your AC system operates efficiently, reducing the risk of breakdowns and extending its lifespan. Clarke and Rush recommend scheduled maintenance to keep your system in top condition.


What are the benefits of professional AC maintenance?

Professional maintenance involves thorough inspections and repairs, preventing potential issues before they escalate. Clarke and Rush technicians are equipped to handle all aspects of AC maintenance, ensuring optimal performance and peace of mind.


How often should I schedule AC maintenance?

Clarke and Rush suggest scheduling maintenance at least once a year to keep your AC system running smoothly. However, factors like usage and climate may influence the frequency of maintenance appointments.


What DIY maintenance can I do for my AC system?

While professional maintenance is essential, homeowners can perform basic tasks like cleaning condenser fins and checking air filters. Clarke and Rush can provide guidance on DIY maintenance practices to complement professional services.

Do You Need To Change The Air Filter On Your Furnace?

TL;DR: Yes, you need to change the air filter on your furnace regularly to ensure efficient operation, maintain air quality, and prevent potential damage. The frequency of change depends on factors like filter type, household size, pet ownership, and allergy considerations, typically ranging from every 30 days for basic filters to every 6 months for more advanced options.

Maintaining the comfort and quality of your indoor air starts with understanding a small but mighty force in your home: the furnace air filter. This vital component of your furnace system doesn’t just influence the system’s overall performance—it’s the first defense against dust, allergens, and all manners of unseen air pollutants that can deteriorate the quality of the air you breathe and increase your family’s exposure to irritants.

But the question, “Do You Need To Change The Air Filter On Your Furnace?” might spark a train of through that takes you to the inner workings of your HVAC setup and the burden of maintenance tasks. However, the importance of maintaining your HVAC and Furnace can not be overstated.

In this blog, we’ll navigate the signposts to clear, pollutant-free air and optimal furnace running, breaking down the paramount subject of changing your air filter. Why is it crucial? When does it become imperative? And how often should you do it? Discover the simple steps to enhance your living environment and support your health, while also managing your energy expenses through the routine replacement of your furnace air filter.

The Purpose of Air Filters in Furnaces

A furnace air filter is a critical component of any forced air heating system, designed to clean the air that circulates through the furnace and into the living spaces of a home. Positioned at the point where air enters the furnace, this filter’s primary function is to trap and remove airborne particles, such as dust, pollen, pet dander, mold spores, bacteria, and other allergens, before they can be distributed throughout the house. This not only helps to improve indoor air quality, making the environment healthier and more comfortable for residents, but also protects the furnace itself.

By preventing dust and other debris from entering the furnace and its components, the air filter plays a vital role in maintaining the efficiency and longevity of the heating system. A clean filter ensures that the furnace can operate smoothly, without the extra strain caused by restricted airflow due to clogging. This efficiency translates into better heating performance, lower energy consumption, and reduced wear and tear on the furnace, ultimately saving money on energy bills and potential repair costs.

Furnace air filters come in various sizes and types, ranging from disposable fiberglass filters, which offer basic protection, to pleated media filters, electrostatic filters, and HEPA filters, which provide higher levels of filtration. The choice of filter depends on specific needs, such as the desired level of air quality, any allergy concerns, and the recommendations of the furnace manufacturer. Regularly replacing or cleaning the furnace air filter according to the manufacturer’s guidelines is essential for ensuring effective filtration and maintaining the overall health of the furnace system.

Signs It’s Time to Change Your Furnace Air Filter

Recognizing when to change your furnace air filter is crucial for keeping your heating system running efficiently and maintaining good indoor air quality. Here are several key signs that indicate it’s time to replace your filter:

  • Increased Energy Bills: A sudden spike in your energy bills could be a sign that your furnace is working harder than usual due to a clogged air filter, resulting in higher energy consumption.
  • Visible Dirt and Clogging: If the filter appears dirty and clogged with dust, pet hair, and other debris upon inspection, it’s time for a replacement.
  • Reduced Heating Efficiency: If your home doesn’t seem to be heating up to your desired temperature or if it’s taking longer than usual, a dirty air filter restricting airflow could be the culprit.
  • Unusual Furnace Noises: Clogs in the air filter can cause your furnace to strain and produce unusual noises as it tries to circulate air through the blocked filter.
  • Increase in Dust and Allergens: Noticing more dust around your home or worsening allergy symptoms can indicate that your air filter is no longer effectively trapping particles.
  • Furnace Short-Cycling: When the furnace turns on and off more frequently than normal, it may be due to poor airflow caused by a dirty filter.

By staying vigilant and replacing your furnace air filter when needed, you can enjoy a warmer, healthier home and avoid potential furnace issues down the line.

How Often Should You Change Your Furnace Air Filter?

Determining the optimal frequency for changing your furnace air filter is crucial for maintaining both the efficiency of your furnace and the air quality within your home. While standard disposable fiberglass filters should generally be replaced every 30 to 90 days, the specific timeline can vary significantly based on several factors.

For instance, homes with pets, larger families, or residents with allergies may find that their filters need to be changed more frequently to cope with the increased demand. Pleated filters, known for their longer lifespan, typically require replacement every 3 to 6 months.

However, this schedule can be adjusted based on the household’s particular needs, such as the presence of pets, the number of occupants, and sensitivity to allergens. Additionally, during seasons of heavy furnace use, it’s advisable to inspect the filter monthly, replacing it as necessary to prevent any loss in efficiency and to maintain a healthy indoor environment. High-efficiency filters, including HEPA filters, while more durable and capable of trapping a larger number of particles, still necessitate regular checks and replacements to ensure they perform effectively.

By taking into account your living conditions and the specific requirements of your household, you can create a tailored filter replacement schedule that ensures your furnace operates smoothly and keeps your indoor air clean and safe.

How to Change Your Furnace Air Filter

Swapping out the air filter in your furnace is an easy yet impactful maintenance task that not only enhances the efficiency of your heating system but also improves your home’s air quality. Below is a simplified guide to help you replace your furnace air filter yourself:

  • Turn Off the Furnace: For safety, ensure the furnace is off before you start. This prevents the system from activating while you’re working on it.
  • Locate the Filter Compartment: The air filter is typically found in the furnace’s return air duct, or sometimes, in a slot on the furnace itself. The location can vary depending on your furnace model, so refer to your owner’s manual if necessary.
  • Remove the Old Filter: Slide the old filter out carefully. Pay attention to the arrows on the frame of the filter, which indicate the correct airflow direction. This is important to note for installing the new filter correctly.
  • Insert the New Filter: Take your new filter and slide it into place, ensuring the arrows align with the airflow direction (towards the furnace). The correct orientation is crucial for the filter to function properly.
  • Dispose of the Old Filter: Place the old filter in a garbage bag to minimize the spread of dust and allergens.
    Turn the Furnace Back On: Once the new filter is securely in place, you can turn your furnace back on.

While changing the air filter is a task some homeowners can manage, it’s also essential to recognize the value of professional furnace maintenance. A professional HVAC technician can perform comprehensive routine inspections and maintenance, ensuring that your furnace operates at peak efficiency and longevity. These inspections can help identify potential issues before they become major problems, saving you money and ensuring your home remains comfortable during the cold months. Hiring a professional for these routine checks can complement your regular filter changes, providing an extra layer of assurance that your heating system is in top condition.

Professional Furnace Services Near You

Maintaining your furnace through regular air filter changes is a straightforward yet crucial task that significantly impacts your heating system’s efficiency, longevity, and the indoor air quality of your home. By following the simple steps outlined for replacing your furnace air filter, you can ensure that your heating system operates smoothly, keeps energy costs down, and provides a healthier living environment for you and your family.

If you’re in the Sacramento area and looking to ensure your furnace and entire HVAC system are in peak condition, Clarke & Rush is your go-to professional service provider that specializes in comprehensive HVAC inspections, routine maintenance, emergency repairs, and more!

By choosing Clarke & Rush, you’re not just getting routine service; you’re investing in the longevity and reliability of your home’s comfort systems. You can count on our team to keep your furnace running smoothly, your air quality pristine, and your energy costs low, all with the professional care and expertise your home deserves.

Frequently Asked Questions About Furnaces

What are the signs that my furnace air filter needs changing?

Key signs include increased energy bills (indicating reduced efficiency), visible dirt and clogging on the filter, reduced heating performance, unusual noises from the furnace, and an increase in dust and allergens in your home.

What happens if I don’t change my furnace air filter?

Neglecting to change the air filter can lead to several problems, including reduced furnace efficiency, higher operating costs, potential furnace damage or failure, and poor indoor air quality, which can affect health.

How do I choose the right air filter for my furnace?

Consider factors like filter efficiency ratings (MERV, HEPA), whether you have pets or allergies, and the size of your living space. Higher efficiency filters capture more particles but may reduce airflow, so balance your air quality needs with your furnace’s capabilities. If you’re attempting to DIY, always ensure the filter fits your furnace model.

Top 10 HVAC Maintenance Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

TL;DR: Regular maintenance of your HVAC system is crucial for efficiency, cost savings, and comfort. This article provides the top 10 maintenance tips for homeowners, including replacing air filters regularly, cleaning both indoor and outdoor units, inspecting ductwork, installing a programmable thermostat, checking vents, proper insulation, cleaning condensate drain lines, monitoring refrigerant levels, and scheduling professional maintenance twice a year. While these tasks can be done independently, seeking professional help, like Clarke and Rush in Sacramento, can ensure optimal HVAC performance and longevity.

As a homeowner, you’re likely aware of your HVAC system’s part in keeping your home a comfortable place to live. In California, 72% of the residents use some kind of HVAC equipment to regulate the temperature in their homes. Because we rely on these systems to keep our homes comfortable, we must maintain them regularly to keep running at peak efficiency.

Overlooking this aspect of HVAC ownership can lead to unexpected breakdowns, expensive repairs, and a shortened lifespan of the units themselves. This article will cover the top 10 HVAC maintenance tips every homeowner should know to help you keep your system in top shape and ensure your home stays comfortable, no matter the weather outside.

The Importance of Regular HVAC Maintenance

Most homeowners don’t actively think about their HVAC system. The majority leave this task on the back burner until something breaks or goes wrong. Regular upkeep can help you see any issues before they escalate. You can also enjoy other advantages when regularly taking care of the HVAC system.

  1. Different HVAC systems have different life spans; for example, central AC can last up to 20 years with the proper upkeep. Having your system serviced regularly can add a few years to its lifespan. 
  2. A recent study showed that 52% of the annual energy bill of a typical U.S. household goes to heating and cooling. An HVAC system in good condition is more cost- and energy-efficient. This means you pay less on your utility bills and, at the same time, reduce your carbon footprint.
  3. Cost savings is another crucial benefit. The average cost for HVAC repairs starts at $150 and can go up to $2,900, depending on the issue. Imagine having to pay that every few months. Regular maintenance will help you avoid repairing the same parts repeatedly or replacing the entire HVAC system before it’s time.
  4. Comfort and air quality in your home are directly related to your HVAC maintenance. A well-maintained system provides better temperature control, making your place more comfortable and cozy. It also improves your home’s air quality by keeping your filters clean and your system free of dust and allergens.

Top 10 HVAC Maintenance Tips 

As a homeowner, there are some simple steps you should be taking to keep your system running smoothly and efficiently. If you take these tips to heart and follow them properly, you can save money on repairs, extend the life of the HVAC, and improve your home’s air quality.

Regularly Replace Your Air Filters

One of the simplest and fastest tasks you can do for your HVAC system is to replace the air filters regularly. When the filters are dirty, they block the airflow, so your system must work harder than necessary, using more energy and causing additional wear and tear.

Clean filters can also improve the air quality in your home by trapping any allergens or other microscopic particles. Generally, it’s recommended to replace your filters every 30 to 90 days. However, if you have pets or allergies, you’ll want to change them more often.

Keep the inside HVAC Unit Clean

Dust and other particles can block the airflow, putting extra strain on your unit. To prevent this, regularly dust off the interior components using a soft brush or a vacuum with a brush attachment. For the evaporator and condenser coils, consider hiring a professional, as these parts are delicate and require careful cleaning to maintain their functionality.

Maintain the Outdoor Unit

Fallen leaves, twigs, and grass clippings can accumulate and obstruct airflow, leading to inefficiency and potential system damage. Keep a two-foot clearance around your unit and regularly check for any obstructions. 

You can clean the outdoor unit by yourself with the tools you already have at home. Simply switch off the unit, then use a garden hose, not a pressure washer, to gently rinse the dust and dirt off the coils.

Inspect the Ductwork

The ductwork of your HVAC system moves the cold or hot air throughout your home. If the ducts leak air, your system will have trouble maintaining the temperature you prefer. You can do a simple visual inspection by looking for signs of damage, like tears or gaps. You can also feel around the ducts when your system runs to see if any air is escaping.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

With a programmable thermostat, you can set different temperature levels for different times of the day. You can tell it to set a lower temperature when you’re out during the day and increase it before get back home. This way, you’re not wasting energy heating an empty house, and your HVAC system doesn’t have to work as hard.

Check Heating Vents

When the air vents are clear, your system can distribute heat evenly throughout your home. Furniture or other items can unintentionally block these vents, reducing your system’s performance. Keep them clear of any obstructions, like rugs or curtains. Regular vacuuming around the vents can also help remove dust and debris that could hinder airflow.

Insulate Your Home Properly

If your home is poorly insulated, your HVAC will consume more energy to maintain a comfortable temperature. To improve your home insulation, check around the windows and doors for drafts. If you feel air moving, seal any gaps with weatherstripping.

You can also add more insulation to your attic or basement, as these areas often lose the most heat. You can also insulate your HVAC ducts to prevent energy loss.

Keep the Condensate Drain Line Clean

The condensate drain line gets rid of the liquid your air conditioner creates as it cools your home. When this line is clogged, it can cause the moisture to spill over. You can use one cup of white vinegar and one cup of water and pour it down the drain line every few months to help keep it clear.

Maintain the Refrigerant Level. 

Your HVAC system won’t function correctly if the refrigerant level isn’t right. Too much or too little can lead to issues like inefficient cooling and higher electricity bills. You can check the refrigerant level by turning off your HVAC system, locating the refrigerant line, and observing the level.

Get Regular Professional Maintenance

Regular professional maintenance can keep your HVAC system running smoothly. These visits ensure any issues get caught before they cause other problems, saving you from unexpected repairs. Ideally, you should schedule a regular maintenance visit twice a year – once in the spring for your cooling system and once in the fall for your heating system.

Get an HVAC Specialist in Sacramento, CA

From regular filter changes to installing a programmable thermostat, keeping your HVAC system in good shape requires only a few simple steps. These are the top 10 HVAC maintenance tips every homeowner should know and can do by themselves if they make the time.

But if you want some extra help, the HVAC experts at Clarke and Rush in Sacramento, California, are here to lend you a hand. We can help you maintain your furnace, air-con, and heat pump. Want to insulate your home? We can do that as well. See why we’ve been the top HVAC service in Sacramento for over 60 years, call us today!



Why is regular HVAC maintenance important?

Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure your HVAC system operates efficiently, reducing energy consumption and utility bills while extending its lifespan. Additionally, it helps prevent unexpected breakdowns and costly repairs, maintaining your home’s comfort year-round.


How often should I schedule professional HVAC maintenance?

It’s recommended to schedule professional maintenance twice a year, ideally in the spring for your cooling system and in the fall for your heating system. This ensures your HVAC system is in top condition before the peak seasons, enhancing its performance and reliability.


What services does Clarke and Rush offer for HVAC maintenance?

Clarke and Rush provides comprehensive HVAC services tailored to meet your maintenance needs. From routine filter changes and thermostat installations to inspecting ductwork and checking refrigerant levels, our expert technicians ensure your HVAC system operates at peak efficiency.

How can Clarke and Rush help improve my home’s energy efficiency?

In addition to HVAC maintenance, Clarke and Rush offers insulation services to improve your home’s energy efficiency. Proper insulation reduces heat loss, enhances comfort, and lowers energy bills. With over 60 years of experience serving Sacramento, California, Clarke and Rush are your trusted partners for all your HVAC and insulation needs.

How Does a Compressor Work on My Air Conditioning Unit?

Have you ever thought about how your AC produces cold air when it’s extremely hot outside? If we tell you that it’s all thanks to the compressor, then you’ll proceed by asking – how does a compressor work on my air conditioning unit? And this is a very reasonable question to ask. 

Unheralded yet essential, the compressor is the brains of your air conditioner. Learning the operation of a compressor is fascinating and crucial since your comfort is riding on its tireless effort. Here, we’ll examine the many kinds of compressors and their processes, as well as the essential role they play in air conditioners to make your cool haven possible. 

Understanding the Compressor’s Role in Air Conditioning

You need to understand how the compressor works in order to learn how your air conditioner manages to keep you cool. Imagine your compressor as the heart of your air conditioning unit – it’s that element that circulates and pressurizes the refrigerant, enabling the transfer of heat and ultimately cooling your space. Let’s take a closer look at what it accomplishes.

Circulation & Pressure

The compressor in your air conditioner unit starts the process by compressing the refrigerant gas, which increases its pressure and temperature. The compressed and heated refrigerant then flows from the compressor into the condenser, where it releases its heat to the outside environment. This step enables the refrigerant to absorb the heat from your indoor air and lead it to cool your space. 

Maintaining the Pressure Differential

To ensure the refrigerant moves efficiently and heat transfer occurs smoothly, the compressor maintains the necessary pressure differential between the evaporator and condenser coils. Without this differential, the refrigerant won’t flow properly, and your unit will be unable to pump the coolness you depend on during hot weather.

Ultimately, taking care of your air conditioner compressor will ensure the overall health of the entire system. Avoiding routine inspections can result in the necessity for unnecessary repairs or replacement of the many issues that compressors may cause when no maintenance is done.

How Does a Compressor Work?

When you turn on your air conditioner, the compressor goes through a few crucial steps. Let’s take a closer look at each step to help you better understand how it functions. 

Intake Stage

  • At first, your air conditioner’s compressor performs the function of a massive vacuum. 
  • It takes in vaporized refrigerant from the unit’s evaporator coils. 
  • The vapor is ready to go to the next stage of its trip since its temperature and pressure are both low right now – just like taking a deep breath in before releasing a forceful breath out.

Compression Stage

Well, the compression stage is where the compressor of your air conditioner does its magic, that is, it reduces the volume of the refrigerant vapor. Let’s dissect it further:

  • Several types of compressors use reciprocating pistons or revolving blades to decrease the volume of refrigerant vapor.
  • When the volume of the vapor decreases, an increase in pressure and temperature occurs. This crucial rise is analogous to how pinching a balloon causes the air inside to heat and become pressurized due to reduced available space.
  • Through the perpetual rotation of helical screws, rotary screw compressors accomplish this. Pistons produce a pulsating motion in contrast to a reciprocating compressor.

Discharge Stage

After compression, the gas must enter the surroundings at high pressure and temperature. This is the crucial step that sets the stage for the efficient transfer of heat. Here’s how this goes:

  • The exhausted gas discharges through a valve opening.
  • At its current stage, the gas is still not in the best condition to efficiently cool your space. Thus, heating devices such as intercoolers and external systems come into play to help extract the excess heat content.
  • This cooling function is necessary not only to provide you comfort but also to prevent the compressor from overheating or damage that could be due to wear.

Common Compressor Types Used in Air Conditioning Units

Naturally, different air conditioner units use different compressors, each with its own pros and cons. Let’s break down the three most commonly used types:

  • Reciprocating Compressors. These compressors have piston and cylinder placements compressing the refrigerant. They’re often used for their reliability and capability to handle high pressure. However, they’re also noisy and consume more energy than any other type.
  • Rotary Compressors. The unit used by rotary compressors is a spin mechanism, which is responsible for compressing the refrigerant. They are versatile, fuel-efficient, and far less noisy than other compressors.  You’ll find them in all types of cooling systems – ranging from air conditioning units to high-efficiency ones.
  • Scroll Compressors: Scroll compressors consist of two interlinked spiral spirals through which refrigerant passes. They boast high efficiency, reliability, and noise reduction. But most importantly, they’re highly durable, which is why many households and commercial air conditioning systems prefer them.  

Compressor Capacity and Efficiency

Choosing the perfect air conditioning unit is all about selecting a top-notch compressor with the right balance of capacity and efficiency. So, what’s up with compressor capacity and efficiency? 

Capacity refers to its ability to remove heat from a space and cool it down, that is, how many British Thermal Units (BTUs) it can remove from the air in an hour. Efficiency, on the other hand, is the compressor’s ability to cool your space while minimizing energy consumption. 

When picking out a compressor, you need to consider its capacity in tons and BTU (British Thermal Units) per hour. Here’s the deal – choosing the correct capacity for your space guarantees you’ll have the best, most comfortable air. If the temperature is set too low, your space will remain warm, but if it’s too high, you’ll waste energy as your unit works overtime.

When you’re out shopping for a compressor, make sure to pay attention to the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) rating. Yeah, it might be a little more expensive initially, but the long-term energy savings make it worth the investment. 

Common Problems With Air Conditioning Compressors 

Think of your air conditioner’s compressor just like any superhero who may encounter some challenges. Here’s a simple guide to common compressor issues:

  • Compressor Not Turning On. If your air conditioner isn’t turning on, it could be because of a finicky thermostat, a blown fuse, or a tripped circuit breaker. At times, they simply require a quick reset or replacement.
  • Running But Not Cooling. Your air conditioner could be experiencing a refrigerant leak, a clogged filter, or a worn-out condenser coil. In such cases, it’s best to call in the professionals for a comprehensive check and repair.
  • Loud or Unusual Noises. If your air conditioner starts making strange noises, it’s best to call in the professionals. Strange sounds coming from the compressor, fan, or other components require a thorough diagnostic and repair.
  • Compressor Short Cycling. Is your compressor behaving like it’s on a roller coaster? Short cycling can occur due to a faulty thermostat, low refrigerant levels, or an excessively large compressor. Leave it to the experts to take care of the diagnosis and adjustments for a hassle-free experience.

Routine maintenance and care can prevent the majority of compressor faults. It’s good to clean or replace the air filters frequently, keep the outdoor unit clear of debris, and schedule your annual maintenance checkup with a technician once a year.

Get The Best HVAC Contractor in Sacramento, California

Finally, we’ve covered the answer to “How does a compressor work on my air conditioning unit?” by examining this essential component that brings cool air into your home. We have explored the integral part’s inner workings via the three phases of intake, compression, and discharge, revealing its simplicity and complexity.

If you carefully follow the maintenance tips for your air conditioner compressor, you’ll ensure that it stays a reliable friend in the heat and works at its best for many years. But if you need any help with picking an air conditioning unit, contact the HVAC professionals at Clarke and Rush.

In our role as a five-star rated Sacramento’s go-to home performance HVAC contractor, we promise never to compromise on the quality of service our customers expect. So why wait? Request an appointment today and have a cool house all summer long!

5 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Water Heater

As a homeowner, your water heater is one of the most essential appliances, providing hot water for showers, dishes, and laundry. However, like all appliances, it has a limited lifespan. Recognizing the signs that your tank or tankless water heater is nearing the end of its life can save you from the inconvenience of unexpected cold showers and potentially expensive water damage. Here are five signs that it might be time to replace your water heater, and why calling Clarke & Rush for a water heater inspection is a smart move.

1. Age of the Water Heater

The average lifespan of a water heater is typically between 8 to 12 years, but this can vary depending on several factors, including the model, usage, maintenance history, and water quality in your area. As water heaters age, they become less efficient due to sediment build-up, corrosion, and wear on internal components. An older water heater not only runs the risk of failing unexpectedly but also operates less efficiently, increasing your energy costs. It’s advisable to monitor the age of your water heater and consider preemptive replacement if it’s within this age range to avoid the inconvenience of sudden failures and to take advantage of newer, more energy-efficient models. Regular maintenance can extend its life, but aging units inherently have a higher risk of malfunctioning.

2. Rusty Water

Rusty water coming from your hot water taps can indicate corrosion inside your water heater tank or in the pipes. Corrosion often leads to the deterioration of the inner lining, which can result in leaks or a complete tank failure over time. If rusty water is observed only when using hot water, it’s a strong indication that the water heater is the source of the problem. This issue can be exacerbated by hard water and the presence of oxygen and bacteria within the tank, which accelerates the corrosion process. To protect your home’s water quality and prevent potential leaks, it’s essential to address signs of rust early, considering either tank cleaning, anode rod replacement, or a complete water heater replacement.

3. Water Heater Noise and Rumbling

Sediment build-up is a common issue in water heaters, especially in areas with hard water. Over time, minerals from the water accumulate at the bottom of the tank and harden, which can lead to noises such as banging, rumbling, or popping as the water heater operates. These sounds occur as the water beneath the sediment layer boils and steam bubbles struggle to escape through the sediment layer. Not only does this reduce the efficiency of your water heater, requiring more gas or electricity to heat the same amount of water, but it also increases the stress on the tank, leading to premature wear and potential leaks. Flushing the tank annually can help mitigate sediment build-up, but persistent noise might indicate irreversible damage, signaling that replacement is necessary.

4. Water Heater Leaks

Water puddles around the water heater are a direct indication of a leak. Leaks can originate from several sources, including the tank itself, loose inlet or outlet connections, or the temperature and pressure relief valve. Factors like corrosion, faulty installation, or excessive pressure can cause the tank to leak. Even small leaks can quickly escalate, causing significant water damage to your home. Promptly addressing leaks can prevent further damage, but if the tank is compromised, replacement is often the most practical solution. Regular inspections can help identify potential weak points before they result in leaks.

5. Inconsistent Heating

Experiencing fluctuations in water temperature or running out of hot water too quickly can indicate a failing water heater. This inconsistency can be due to a variety of issues, such as a malfunctioning thermostat, a broken heating element, or sediment build-up insulating the water from the heat source. These problems not only make for an uncomfortable experience but also force the unit to work harder, leading to higher energy consumption and costs. In electric water heaters, elements can often be replaced, but if the problem persists or the unit is aging, a full replacement may be more cost-effective. Regular maintenance checks can identify and rectify these issues early, ensuring consistent hot water supply and optimized energy usage.

By recognizing these signs and responding proactively, homeowners can avoid the inconvenience of sudden water heater failures and enjoy the benefits of a reliable, efficient hot water system. Calling a professional like Clarke & Rush for an inspection can help determine the best course of action, whether it’s repair or replacement, to ensure your home’s hot water needs are met efficiently and effectively.

Why Call Clarke & Rush for a Water Heater Inspection?

When you notice any of these signs, it’s crucial to get a professional inspection to determine the health of your water heater. Clarke & Rush offers comprehensive water heater inspections to assess the condition of your unit. Our experienced technicians can help you understand whether a water heater repair can extend the life of your water heater or if replacement is the most cost-effective solution. With our expertise, you can ensure that your water heater is safe, efficient, and reliable.

Replacing your water heater before it fails not only saves you from the inconvenience of cold showers and potential water damage but also offers the opportunity to upgrade to a more energy-efficient model, reducing your utility bills and environmental footprint. Clarke & Rush is committed to helping you find the best water heater solution for your home, providing professional installation and exceptional customer service.

Don’t wait for a complete failure. If you recognize any of these signs, call Clarke & Rush today for a water heater inspection. Our team is here to ensure you have reliable access to hot water for years to come.

Understanding the Costs of Furnace Replacement in Sacramento

At Clarke & Rush, we recognize that the decision to replace your HVAC system, especially your furnace, is a significant one for Sacramento homeowners. The efficiency of your heating system is crucial for maintaining comfort through the varying temperatures of our region. This guide aims to provide comprehensive insights into the costs involved in furnace replacement, helping you make an informed decision and why opting for a free in-home inspection by our comfort advisors is a smart move.

When to Consider Furnace Replacement

An upgraded, energy-efficient furnace is an investment in your home’s comfort and health. Modern furnaces not only operate more quietly but also come with improved filtration systems that can reduce airborne allergens and dust, enhancing the indoor air quality of your home. Additionally, a new furnace can provide more precise temperature control, ensuring that every room in your home remains comfortable throughout the colder months. Opting for a replacement before your old system fails completely can also prevent the inconvenience of being without heat during a cold spell, allowing you to schedule the installation at a time that suits you best. This proactive approach ensures you can enjoy uninterrupted comfort and peace of mind, knowing your heating system is reliable, efficient, and tailored to your home’s specific needs.

Key Indicators for Furnace Replacement:

  • Age of System: Furnaces that have been in operation for over 10-15 years are often less efficient due to wear and tear over time. As technology advances, newer models become significantly more energy-efficient, leading to better performance and lower utility costs.
  • Frequent Furnace Repairs: If you find yourself frequently calling for repairs, these costs can quickly add up, making it financially sensible to invest in a new system rather than continually fixing an old one. Regular breakdowns are a clear sign that your furnace is on its last legs.
  • Inconsistent Heating: Experiencing cold spots in your home or noticing that your furnace struggles to maintain a consistent temperature can indicate that it’s no longer capable of meeting your heating needs. This inefficiency can lead to increased energy consumption and higher bills.

An updated, energy-efficient furnace not only reduces energy bills but also enhances the air quality and comfort of your home.

Factors Influencing Furnace Replacement Costs

Understanding the multitude of factors that influence the overall cost of furnace replacement is essential for homeowners contemplating this significant home improvement decision. The investment in a new heating system is not solely about the price tag of the unit itself but encompasses a range of variables, each contributing to the final cost. From the type and efficiency of the furnace you select to the labor involved in its installation, several considerations come into play. The accessibility of your current system and any necessary modifications to accommodate the new unit can also significantly impact the budget. Moreover, external factors such as the local climate in Sacramento will influence the specifications of the furnace you need, thereby affecting its cost. This section delves into these cost variables, offering a detailed look at what homeowners can expect when planning for furnace replacement. By understanding these factors, you can make informed decisions that balance upfront costs with long-term savings and efficiency gains, ensuring that your investment enhances your home’s comfort and value.

  1. Type and Efficiency of New Unit: Advanced, energy-efficient models may have a higher initial cost but can offer significant savings on energy expenses over time.
  2. Labor: Installation costs can vary, typically ranging between $500 to $2,500, depending on the complexity of the job.
  3. Installation Challenges: The location and accessibility of your current system can affect the cost. Customized components or difficult access areas in your home might increase expenses.
  4. Removal and Disposal: Discuss with your HVAC specialist whether the cost of removing and disposing of the old unit is included in their quote.
  5. Climate Considerations: The size and output requirements of your new furnace may be influenced by Sacramento’s climate, potentially affecting the overall cost.

The Cost of Different Furnace Types

  • Electric Furnaces: Ranging from $4,800 to $9,000, these units are known for their longevity and efficiency.
  • Heat Pumps: Costing between $9,500 to $20,500, heat pumps offer an energy-efficient heating and cooling solution.
  • Furnace/Split AC Systems: These dual systems are priced from $9,500 to $20,500, providing year-round comfort.

Additional HVAC Considerations

  • Ductwork: The condition of your existing ductwork can impact the total replacement cost, with new installation or repairs potentially required.
  • Zoning Systems: Adding zones for more precise temperature control can increase costs but improve comfort and efficiency.
  • Insulation and Thermostat Upgrades: Enhancements in home insulation and smart thermostats can further optimize energy use and savings.

Why Choose Clarke & Rush for Your Furnace Replacement?

Expertise and Professionalism: With over 50 years of experience, Clarke & Rush is committed to providing high-quality HVAC solutions in Sacramento. Our team of certified professionals is equipped to offer personalized advice, ensuring you select the most cost-effective and efficient system for your home.

Free In-Home Inspection: Understanding the unique needs of your home is our priority. We offer a no-obligation, free in-home inspection to assess your current system and provide a detailed, transparent estimate of replacement costs.

Rebates and Financing: We assist our customers in navigating available rebates for energy-efficient upgrades and offer financing options to make your furnace replacement more affordable.

Final Thoughts

The decision to replace your furnace involves various factors, including the type of system, installation challenges, and additional upgrades. Clarke & Rush aims to simplify this process for you. By choosing us, you’re not just getting a service provider; you’re gaining a partner dedicated to enhancing the comfort and efficiency of your home.

Contact Us

Ready to explore your furnace replacement options in Sacramento? Contact Clarke & Rush today at 916-609-2669 for a free in-home inspection. Let us help you make an informed decision on your HVAC needs, ensuring comfort, efficiency, and peace of mind for years to come.

How To Find A Plumber In Sacramento

TL;DR: To find a plumber in Sacramento, start by assessing your plumbing needs and urgency. Ask for recommendations from friends, family, and online communities. Research online for licensed plumbers, compare quotes, and other considerations to ensure the best plumber for your home.

When it comes to household emergencies, few things are as daunting as plumbing issues. From leaky pipes to clogged drains and everything in between, having a reliable plumber on speed dial is essential for any homeowner in Sacramento. However, the process of finding the right plumber can be a daunting task in itself. With numerous options available, how do you ensure that you choose a skilled, trustworthy, and affordable professional to tackle your plumbing problems?

This comprehensive guide is designed to answer that question and provide you with a step-by-step roadmap to finding the perfect plumber in Sacramento. We understand the significance of this decision – after all, your plumbing system is crucial to the comfort and functionality of your home. Whether you’re facing a sudden emergency or planning routine maintenance, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to make an informed choice.

In the following sections, we will walk you through the entire process, from assessing your plumbing needs to evaluating the completed work. By the end of this guide, you’ll be well-prepared to navigate the local plumbing landscape confidently, ensuring that your plumbing woes are addressed by a capable professional. So, let’s dive in and discover how to find a plumber in Sacramento who can meet your specific requirements and provide peace of mind.

Assessing Your Plumbing Needs

Once you’ve identified the type of plumbing issue and its urgency, consider any specific requirements or preferences you have for the plumber. Do you prefer a plumber with specific certifications or experience in certain areas? Are you looking for a plumber who offers eco-friendly solutions or specializes in a particular brand of fixtures or systems? Create a list of these requirements to guide your search.

By taking the time to assess your plumbing needs, you’ll be better equipped to communicate your situation to potential plumbers and narrow down your choices. This initial step sets the foundation for a successful search for a reliable plumber in Sacramento, ensuring that you find the right professional to address your specific plumbing concerns.

Researching Local Plumbers In Sacramento

Now that you’ve assessed your plumbing needs, it’s time to dive into the process of researching local plumbers in Sacramento. This step is critical to finding a reliable professional who can effectively address your specific plumbing issue. Begin your research by searching for local plumbers online. Utilize search engines, online directories, and plumbing association websites to compile a list of potential candidates.

Additionally, make sure to read reviews and customer ratings that can provide valuable insights into the reputation and quality of a plumber’s services. You can browse through platforms like Google My Business to read what previous clients said about their experience with the company. Look for patterns of positive feedback and any recurring issues or concerns.

Verifying Plumber Credentials And Licensing

When searching for a plumber in Sacramento, one of the most critical steps you can take to ensure you’re hiring a qualified professional is to verify their credentials and licensing. Proper credentials and licenses not only indicate the plumber’s competency but also protect you from potential liabilities and subpar work.

In the state of California, all plumbers must be licensed by the California Contractors State License Board (CSLB) to legally perform plumbing work. To verify a plumber’s license, visit the CSLB website and enter their license number or business name. Ensure that the license is active and in good standing, and confirm that it covers the specific type of plumbing work you require.

While a state license is essential, some plumbers may hold additional certifications or memberships in professional organizations. These certifications can indicate specialized expertise or a commitment to ongoing education in the field. Inquire about any relevant certifications or affiliations that may enhance the plumber’s qualifications.

In addition to a valid license, a reputable plumber should carry insurance coverage. Ask the plumber for proof of insurance, including general liability and worker’s compensation. Insurance coverage protects you in case of accidents or damage that may occur during the plumbing job. To further ensure the plumber’s integrity, check if there have been any complaints or disciplinary actions filed against them. You can do this by contacting the CSLB or checking online resources. A clean record is a positive indicator of a trustworthy plumber.

The Importance Of References And Recommendations

When you’re on the hunt for a reliable plumber in Sacramento, don’t underestimate the value of references and recommendations. These firsthand accounts from previous clients can provide you with valuable insights into a plumber’s performance, reliability, and overall satisfaction. Here’s why checking references and seeking recommendations is crucial in your search:

  • Gauging Trustworthiness and Reliability: References and recommendations allow you to gauge a plumber’s trustworthiness and reliability. When a plumber comes recommended by someone you trust, such as a friend, family member, or neighbor, it carries the weight of their personal experience. This can instill confidence that the plumber is likely to deliver on their promises and provide quality service.


  • Learning About the Quality of Work: By contacting references or reading online reviews, you can gain insights into the quality of work a plumber offers. Pay attention to specific details like whether the plumber completed the job to the client’s satisfaction, addressed any issues promptly, and provided transparent communication throughout the project. This information helps you make an informed decision about whether the plumber’s work aligns with your expectations.


  • Assessing Communication and Professionalism: References and recommendations also shed light on a plumber’s professionalism and communication skills. You can learn if the plumber arrived on time, kept the client informed throughout the project, and maintained a courteous and respectful demeanor. These factors are essential for a positive working relationship.


  • Confidence in Your Choice: Ultimately, seeking references and recommendations helps you feel more confident in your choice of a plumber. It minimizes the uncertainty that can come with hiring a service professional, as you have real-life accounts from individuals who have already gone through the process.

When researching local plumbers, don’t hesitate to ask potential candidates for references or look for online reviews and testimonials. The experiences of others who have worked with the plumber can be a valuable resource in your decision-making process, ensuring that you select a plumber who meets your standards of quality and professionalism.

Professional Plumbers Near You

In your quest to find a reliable plumber in Sacramento, you’ve navigated through a comprehensive guide that has equipped you with the knowledge and tools necessary for a successful search. From assessing your plumbing needs to researching local plumbers, verifying their credentials, and seeking references and recommendations, you’ve taken the necessary steps to make an informed decision.

Remember that the right plumber is not just skilled and licensed but also professional, communicative, and trustworthy. The plumbing system is a vital component of your home, and the person you choose to work on it should reflect the same level of care and commitment.

Look no further for exceptional plumbing services in Sacramento than Clarke & Rush. With a stellar reputation built over years of dedicated service, Clarke & Rush is your trusted partner for all your plumbing needs. Their team of highly skilled and licensed plumbers delivers top-notch workmanship and a commitment to customer satisfaction that is unmatched in the industry. From fixing leaks and unclogging drains to installing water heaters and handling complex plumbing projects, Clarke & Rush has the expertise and reliability you can count on.

Frequently Asked Questions About Plumbers In Sacramento

Do I really need a professional plumber, or can I attempt DIY plumbing repairs?

Yes, it’s important to always call a reliable professional for plumbing repairs. DIY plumbing repairs can lead to costly mistakes, potential safety hazards, and may not effectively address the root of the problem. Professional plumbers have the training, experience, and proper tools to ensure the job is done correctly, preventing further damage and providing peace of mind.

What should I expect in terms of cost for plumbing services in Sacramento?

To get an accurate estimate for plumbing services in Sacramento, it’s best to consult with a professional plumber directly. Plumbing costs can vary widely depending on the nature of the work, materials required, and labor involved. A professional plumber can assess your specific needs and provide you with a precise cost estimate tailored to your plumbing project.

Why is it essential to hire a licensed plumber in Sacramento?

Hiring a licensed plumber in Sacramento is crucial because it ensures you’re working with a professional who has undergone rigorous training and testing. Their expertise and knowledge of local building codes guarantee safe and compliant plumbing work, reducing the risk of legal complications. Moreover, licensed plumbers typically carry liability insurance, providing financial protection in case of accidental damage or unforeseen issues during the project.