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Author: Clarke & Rush

Are Smart Thermostats Really Worth It?

If you’re still unsure about whether or not smart thermostats are worth installing in your home, Clarke & Rush can help. The truth is that it depends on your habits and the condition of your current thermostat. Here at Clarke & Rush we believe that smart thermostats are worth the investment.


The difference between smart and traditional thermostats is that smart thermostats are wi-fi-enabled and can be monitored remotely from directly from your phone.


3 Benefits to WiFi Enabled Thermostats:


  1. You’ll save on energy bills
  2. You can monitor your home while away
  3. They provide an increased level of comfort


We will be going over the convenience, cost savings, and additional protection that make a smart thermostat a smart purchase.


And while smart thermostats are a great addition to your home on their own, they’re even better as part of an entire smart home security system. Not only do entire smart home security systems save money in the long-run, but they also provide homeowners with a level of connectivity and comfort that a smart thermostat on its own simply can’t provide.


Ready to upgrade to a smart thermostat or create the smart home of your dreams? Our smart home specialists will help you find the smart thermostat that’s compatible with your home’s HVAC system. Contact Clarke & Rush today for an Estimate.



Benefit #1: Energy bill savings

There are a couple of ways a smart thermostat can help you save money.


By installing an app on your smartphone or tablet, you can control your smart thermostat from the palm of your hand. This prevents you from accidentally heating or cooling an empty home all day if you head out of the house and forget to adjust the temperature.  With your smart thermostat controls only as far away as your phone, you can change the temperature from wherever you are, as long as you have an internet connection.


Also, most smart thermostats come equipped with an “eco” or auto home/away feature which helps you save money when you’re not home by automatically raising or lowering the temperature based on the ambient conditions outside. Some smart thermostats have been shown to save homeowners up to 23% on yearly energy bills.


With a smart thermostat, you’ll always have full control over when and how your home is being heated or cooled.


Benefit #2: Remote monitoring

With a smart thermostat, you have the power to change your home’s temperature at any time, whether you’re across the country or on the way home from work.


Another major benefit of remote monitoring is you’ll always have the power to do something if something goes wrong at your home, even if you’re not around. For example, if you’re away on vacation during the colder winter months and your heating system goes down causing your pipes to freeze, you’ll be able to take immediate action. Having insight into what’s happening with your thermostat can end up saving you thousands of dollars.


Some of the most devastating home disasters can result from a heating system dying or malfunctioning while the homeowner is out of town during the winter. Being able to monitor your home remotely can be crucial if you travel often, spend the winters elsewhere, and want to prevent these types of disasters from occurring.


 Benefit #3: Increased level of comfort

During the winter, a majority of homeowners set their thermostats to a cooler temperature while they’re away to not waste energy and money to heat an empty home. To do this, a lot of people program their thermostat to come on a few minutes before they arrive home, or they choose to turn up the heat manually as they walk in the door.


But what if your thermostat could sense when you were close to home and was able to calculate the time it would take to guarantee your home was at the optimal temperature for your arrival? A thermostat might seem like a basic feature of any home, but it can have a major impact on your comfort levels and how you feel as you arrive home each day.

Are ductless mini-splits reliable?

Any Sacramento homeowner would agree that maintaining the comfortable environment of your home can be challenging- particularly in our hot Summer months. Did you know that a ductless air conditioning system can keep your home and family cool and comfortable without the messy process of installing ductwork? Read on to discover three reason why a ductless system might be the right choice for your home.

Save Money and Energy with a Ductless System

Even the most energy efficient HVAC system on the market can waste up to 30 percent of the energy it creates, due to leaks in ductwork. By installing a ductless HVAC system, you will never have to be concerned about that type of inefficiency ever again. In addition to immediately eliminating the waste of energy, you can expect to see substantial savings on your energy bills, while enjoying the cooling comfort you would expect from your air conditioner.

1. Improved Air Quality

Most people have realized that indoor air quality can be far worse that the air outdoors, and this can be compounded by an aging or poorly maintained HVAC system. A wonderful feature of ductless systems is a built-in air filtration system that traps dander, dust, bacteria, pollen and other contaminants from the air in your home. Installing a ductless system in your home could bring you and your family a literal breath of fresh air. This filtration can be doubly beneficial to asthma and allergy sufferers.

2. Flexible Cooling

Ductless systems offer much more cooling flexibility that traditional HVAC units that cool every room in your house at the same time. A ductless air conditioning systems rely on a single outdoor unit, and a few indoor units, so you are able to install a ductless system exactly where you need it. Systems like this offer a simple and convenient method for cooling new additions, rooms without existing ductwork, or even rooms with it that have a hard time maintaining a pleasant temperature. Because the installation process is so simple, and there is no ductwork required, a ductless air conditioning system can take any room in your home from hot and stuff to cool and comfortable in just a few hours.



You can learn more about improving your indoor air quality here.

You can learn more about allergy relief through cleaner air here.


Are you ready to take advantage of the benefits of a ductless air conditioning system? Contact the HVAC experts at Clarke & Rush today for a free, no obligation quote.

Are Gas Furnaces Safe?

Furnaces are the oldest of all home heating systems, dating back to before the Industrial Revolution, when they principally burned wood or coal. But despite their age, gas furnaces for home heating still remain popular across the U.S. and the rest of North America as ways to provide heat during the winter. With so many technological advances in the HVAC industry during the last hundred years, why have furnaces continued to top the list of options for heating?

vintage 1185 furnaceThe Industrial Revolution provided the catalyst for more advanced warm-air systems. In England about 1805, William Strutt invented a warm-air furnace that consisted of a riveted, wrought iron air chamber encased in brick. This is thought to be the world’s first furnace.

Today’s homes can have many different types of heating systems warming them: heat pumps, boilers, ductless mini splits, electric furnaces, and radiant in-floor heating. But gas furnaces for home heating are still the king, found in millions of home from the midnight sun regions of Alaska to the palm-dotted beaches of Florida—as well as here in the Northern California. Because of the popularity of gas furnaces, Clarke & Rush have become the Sacramento furnace repair specialists.

What Makes Gas Furnaces for Home Heating so Popular Today?

There are benefits to all of the systems we listed above. Finding the one to meet a home’s comfort needs can be tricky, and this is why it’s necessary to have the assistance of HVAC professionals, like Clarke & Rush when it come to a new heating installation. The gas furnace, however, has a long list of benefits that often give it a leading edge.

Here are some of the reasons for the lasting popularity of gas furnaces:

1. Energy savings

Natural gas is a less costly energy source than electricity or propane. A home using natural gas for heat rather than electricity will have much lower utility bills.

Gas furnaces are also price-competitive: high-efficiency gas furnaces cost far less than they did only a decade ago. Where effective gas furnaces were once out of the price range of many families, they are now attractive alternatives that won’t break the bank and return the money with their energy savings.

2. High efficiency

Few types of heaters are more efficient at delivering heat than natural gas furnaces for home heating. It’s easier to have an even spread of heat around a house with a gas furnace doing the work. The lag time for electric furnaces is much longer; with a gas furnace, you won’t have to wait for the comfort you want.

One of the reasons furnaces remain popular is that those same advances in HVAC technology have affected furnaces as well: today’s gas furnaces from respected manufacturers like Carrier and American Standard perform at levels of efficiency unthinkable only 20 years in the past. Some models score AFUE ratings of 96.7%, meaning they consume almost 97% of the fuel they use when providing you heat—the energy waste is minimal.

3. Great heat output

Natural gas furnaces for home heating can put out higher amounts of heat than almost any other type of comfort system. This is why you’ll find gas furnaces in parts of the country that have the coldest winters. But this high heat output serves a purpose in our warmer climate: it can keep the draftiest house warm in the winter.

4. Flexibility

It’s easy to integrate gas furnaces into HVAC systems and pair them with air conditioners. There’s usually no need to change any connected appliances when a gas furnace is put in. The existing ducting can be used as well, or new ducting can be added.

5. Safety

You might find this one a bit curious. Aren’t gas furnaces potentially hazardous? Yes—but safety standards are so strict today that there’s little danger. In fact, natural gas burns cleaner than other heating fuels and this means fewer harmful emissions. When furnaces receive routine biannual maintenance, they are among the safest options for home heating.

6. Forced-Air Heating Allows For Quicker Warming

Finally, furnaces use forced-air heating sent through ductwork to operate. Since most homes already have ductwork, it’s easy to have a furnace installed and hooked up to the pre-existing ducts.

To understand why so many homeowners choose gas furnaces for home heating, it helps to understand how a furnace actually heats a home. Unlike a radiant heating system, which will heat surfaces of the house in order to radiate heat out into the living space, a furnace heats air directly. That heated air is then distributed throughout the house via a system of ductwork. This results in swift heating, even if you are starting from a fairly cold temperature.

It is important to remember, though, that issues with your ductwork can seriously set your system back. If your air ducts are leaking or poorly laid out, for instance, your system is going to use more energy than it should have to in order to heat your home. That drags down efficiency. When we install and service your system, though, you’ll be able to spread heat throughout your home confidently.

Which Furnace is Right for Your Sacramento Home?

We need to emphasize again that when it comes to options for home heating in Sacramento, CA and elsewhere in the unique region we serve, there isn’t a single system that works for every house and family. The benefits we listed above may make gas furnaces for home heating sound like the best pick—and in many cases they are.

But even gas furnaces have some drawbacks. The main one is that they don’t work in homes without a gas connection! If you have an all-electric home, we recommend looking into comfort options like a heat pump, which is an efficient heater and air conditioner in one. Our technicians are glad to help narrow down the range of choices so you end up with the right heat system to match your comfort needs and budget.

Clarke & Rush has been proudly serving the residents of Sacramento and the surrounding areas for nearly six decades, and our HVAC services team works hard to ensure you and your family remain comfortable all year long. We guarantee you’ll be satisfied with our work! For reliable Sacramento heating services like furnace installation, furnace replacement, furnace maintenance, and furnace repair, you can count one our top-rated heating technicians!

4 Simple Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality In Your Home

The air conditioning unit in your home should be keeping it cool throughout the hot summer months, but it may not be keeping your air quality as high as you would like it on its own. In this article we discuss four simple ways to improve your Northern California home’s indoor air quality.

1. Keep it Clean

Believe it or not, the general cleanliness of your home- particularly the floors- has a major impact on your home’s indoor air quality. Vacuuming once or twice a week with a HEPA filter will remove significant amounts of dust, dirt, dander, pollen, and any number of other contaminants that find their way into your home on shoes, clothing and pets. Mopping any solid floors with with plain water will also limit dust and allergens from entering your air. Floor mats for each entrance to your home can also be helpful in reducing the number of contaminants that even make it into your home.

2. Maintain Low Humidity

While we cannot control the humidity level outside, you can certainly control it in your own home. Moisture levels in your home can be reduced significantly with some very minor lifestyle adjustments, such as drying laundry outdoors, or taking shorter showers. If these measures aren’t doing the job, then you may want to consider having a whole-home dehumidifier installed, which pulls moisture out of the air in your home. When the humidity levels in your home are lower, you and your family will not only feel cooler, but will breathe easier too.

3. Ensure Your Home Has The Right-Size HVAC Unit

Bigger does not always equal better when it comes to residential HVAC systems. Actually, an air conditioning system that is too big for your home will finish its cooling cycles without circulating the air through your home properly. This can rapidly result in higher humidity levels, mold growth, and stale air in your home. Contact our experienced team of HVAC technicians to learn if your unit is appropriate for your home.

4. Improve Ventilation in Your Home

One major culprit of poor indoor air quality is stale or stagnant air. Improving the ventilation in your home can help keep the air fresher. You can make several small changes to your home that will have a large impact to the quality of the air you are breathing in your home. Adding ceiling fans to keep air moving, or exhaust fans in kitchens and bathrooms to pull damp, stale air out of your home. If your home seems constantly stuffy, or does not have adequate ventilation, you may want to consider home ventilation system to circulate fresh air while saving energy at the same time.

For more tips on how to choose the right HVAC unit for your home, click here

Are you tired of stale air in your home? Give the experts at Clarke & Rush a call today to discover how we can help you improve the indoor air quality in your home. 916-609-2669

How to keep wildfire smoke out of your house

It’s not as much keeping the smoke out, as dealing with the smoke itself. The smoke is going to permeate nearly everything, but there are steps you can take to better your air quality. First, let’s take a look at what smoke does to our health.

How bad is wildfire smoke for your health?

According to the EPA, the largest threat from smoke is the particulates. The microscopic debris accumulated in the air enters the lungs and can even make its way into the circulatory system due to its finite size.

The health problems that can arise from the inhalation of these particles ranges from minor irritations like burning eyes and sinus problems to much more serious conditions such as chronic heart and lung diseases, and has been linked to premature death, as well.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”How to filter wildfire smoke out of your house.” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]For those with a central air system, the filters can be upgraded to improve filtration of these dangerous particles. HEPA filters are the most effective, as they contain a fine mesh intended to trap particulates as air circulates through the HVAC system.

The EPA reports that air purifiers equipped with HEPA filters are able to reduce particle concentrations by as much as 85%.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”1852″ img_size=”full” css=”.vc_custom_1601486461009{margin-top: 40px !important;}”][vc_custom_heading text=”What is MERV rating and what MERV rating should I use? ” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]MERV stands for MINIMUM EFFICIENCY REPORTING VALUE, which is a system used in evaluating the efficiency of a filters ability to catch particles of different sizes. In short, the higher the MERV rating, the better it is able to catch particles.

Due to the fact that smoke particles range in size from 0.3 to 1.0 microns, you’ll want to use a filter with a MERV rating of 11 or higher. Anything less with not be as efficient in eliminating these particles from the air in your home.

Though, the air flow restriction of higher MERV filters needs to be taken into account, as low air flow problems may arise. Typically, ERV 13 is the highest rating you’d want to use in a residential application.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”Air Purifiers vs. Air Conditioning.” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]Purification and conditioning are two separate ideas. HVAC systems circulate air throughout the home, removing heat or humidity and, aside from what the filters catch, redistribute dust and allergens that get pulled into the system. The filter doesn’t disinfect the particles it catches, either, so they are unable to eliminate odor, mold spores, and other contaminants.

An air purifier can eliminate odor, but only if it is equipped with active carbon filters, and this only helps to get rid of the bad smells. If you want to remove toxic gases, Volatile Organic Compounds, and Particulate Matter, there are technologies available such as Plasmacluster Ion purification.

This technology disables microorganisms through the generation of positive and negative ions, which form a cluster that surrounds airborne particles, breaking down the cell structure of the contaminant.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”2722″ img_size=”full” onclick=”custom_link” link=”https://clarkerushold.wpengine.com/halo-whole-home-air-purification-system/” css=”.vc_custom_1601486835252{margin-top: 40px !important;}”][vc_custom_heading text=”What is Germicidal Irradiation?” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]Germicidal irradiation is a method of disinfection through use of shortwave UV light to destroy nucleic acids within the microorganism, effectively damaging its DNA and inhibiting basic cellular functions.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”Clarke & Rush Will Help You Find the Right Solution.” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]To better understand the options available to you, you should consult a professional to discuss how your family and home can benefit from HVAC maintenance, specific filtration methods and the many products available.

Clarke & Rush is Sacramento’s trusted leader in HVAC and Home Comfort. We are happy to help you find the air quality solution that meets your needs.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”2492″ img_size=”full” onclick=”custom_link” link=”tel:9166092669″ css=”.vc_custom_1601486782807{margin-top: 40px !important;}”]

Do I turn my thermostat down or off?

Summer in Sacramento always comes with an annual debate. The debate over whether or not it saves money and energy turning off your air conditioner during the day when you are not at home. We always hear three answers, “no,” “yes,” and, “it depends.” Really, though, the best person to ask is your friendly, neighborhood HVAC provider. Let’s examine those answers, shall we?

#1: It Depends on the Weather

The larger the difference between outside temperatures and your desired indoor temperature, the more energy your HVAC unit will consume. At an outside temperature of 80 degrees, you use just a little energy to keep the empty home at 76 degrees. At 100 degrees, you waste energy cooling an empty house.

#2: Turn it Off and Save Money

If you are 100% certain that your home will not get hotter than 86 degrees, then you may save a little bit of money by switching your AC off, but keep these points in mind

  • Pets can’t tolerate high heat any more than humans can.
  • Medications can be ruined.
  • Heat-producing appliances may run while you’re out.
  • Turning off the A/C isn’t the best solution.

#3: Turning the A/C Off Doesn’t Always Save Money

Central air conditioning units work at the same rate no matter what the starting temperature was. Air flows at a steady, constant rate unless you have a variable-speed air handler. So either the AC unit either runs for a long time when you get home, or it runs intermittently throughout the day. Here are some more points to consider:

  • Most central air conditioners work most efficiently running full speed for long periods.
  • Frequent on and off cycles increases wear and tear.
  • Leaving it on isn’t the best solution,

The Best Alternative

A zoning system allows flexibility and efficiency by setting higher temperature in seldom-used rooms, and cooler ones in more frequently used spaces. Contact Clarke & Rush about installing zoned cooling areas which are controlled by programmable thermostats.

  • Set programmable thermostats for empty-house setpoints around 10 degrees higher than your comfort level.
  • Use this same higher setpoint overnight.
  • Because the A/C will still turn on at the higher setpoint, pets and medications are protected.

For better ways to save money and energy than just turning off the AC in your Sacramento area home, contact us at Clarke & Rush.

How are windows made?

Windows are made up of many parts. Familiarize yourself with the correct terminology before you go shopping for new windows so you’ll know the individual parts of the window and can easily communicate what you want.

1. Stiles

These are the major vertical supports of the frame of the window sash. They are positioned on the sides of the window.

2. Sash

The sash is the frame that consists of the rails running along the top and bottom and the stiles on the sides. The sash holds the glass in place.

3. Muntins

These are the grids of the window. They can be decorative and just snap into place over the glass, or they can help hold the glass in place, dividing the glass into sections often referred to as lights.

Muntins are installed on the outside or inside of the glass or both. Sometimes, they are mounted between two panes of glass, especially on thermal-insulated windows. Windows of this type with the inside-mounted muntins are easier to clean than windows with muntins on the outside of the glass.

4. Glazing

Glazing refers to the glass in the window frame. It can be single, double or triple thicknesses with air spaces in between. Double and triple glazing is the most energy efficient. Glazing compound is the putty that helps hold the glass in place.

5. Apron

This refers to the horizontal board attached to the wall under the windowsill or stool.

6. Stool

Also known as the sill, this part of the window protrudes out like a shelf on the bottom of the window into the interior of the house.

7. Side Casing and Head Casing

Casing is the horizontal and vertical molding that surrounds the entire window. It covers the space between the window and the wall. It can be installed inside or outside the house and provides a finished look.

8. Jambs

These are the side pieces that form the window frame and hold the sash that holds the glass. They run vertically from the top of the window to the bottom.

9. Rails

Rails are the horizontal pieces that connect the stiles or vertical pieces of the window. They help hold the glass in place.

10. Operator

The operator is the crank mechanism that allows you to open and close casement and awning windows.

11. Latch

A latch is the locking device usually attached where two rails meet (meeting rails) on a double-hung window, on the bottom rail of an awning window or on the stile of a casement window. The latch not only locks the window, but it also helps seal the window closed, allowing the weather stripping to effectively block out cold in winter and keep in cool air conditioned air during summer or heated air in for the winter.

12. Scissor Arm or Extension Arm

Attached to the window frame either at the rails or the stiles, the scissor arm or extension arm is extended or contracted by cranking the operator handle to open or close the window.

Window Replacement in Sacramento

Windows are an important part of your home. They protect your home from the elements, let in natural light and play a big role in your home’s curb appeal. Even if you’ve been properly maintaining your windows, they will suffer wear and tear over time. Plus, new technology and advancements in window manufacturing has produced higher quality, more energy efficient windows. A window replacement could save you money on your energy bills and increase your property value.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”How Do You Know When You Need New Windows?” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]Replacement windows for your home are a big investment, and there are some important factors to consider when you’re facing the decision to have them installed.

Any major investment in your home is a valuable one. A homeowner may choose to have replacement windows installed for a variety of reasons, such as adding more curb appeal to their home, or reducing their energy costs. Others may seek to limit noise from the outside, increase privacy or moderate the amount of light coming into their homes.

There are windows to suit every taste, décor, and preference, but they are can be expensive, and sometimes there are more affordable solutions than a full window replacement.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”Should I Repair A Window Or Replace A Window?” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]No matter how well-built a home is, nothing lasts forever – and windows are no exception. When you think about what your windows are exposed to on a daily basis, and the fact that they are made of glass, it is no wonder that they are one of your home’s more delicate features.

While a may seem that a shattered window from an overthrown baseball is a total disaster, it usually only requires replacing the glass panes themselves, and is less expensive than a full window replacement.

There are situations where replacing the window entirely is the only option though. If the seals fail on double-pane windows, air, moisture and particulate matter can enter the window and create a haze or fog that is impossible to remove. In this situation those double-pane windows also lose their energy-efficiency, and you might see your utility bills increase. In severe cases, the actual window frame can warp or become damaged.

If you have windows that just refuse to open, they will likely need to be replaced as well. There are numerous factors that cause windows to jam, including settling foundation, warped or deteriorated frames, or the frames being painted or otherwise sealed shut.

These same factors can cause the opposite problem too. You may feel like you can never get your windows closed tightly enough to stop all the drafts. If your windows won’t close all the way, you may also need full window replacement.

In addition to driving up your energy expenses, windows that won’t open or close can be a safety hazard in the event of an emergency. Installing replacement windows can make sure you and your family can make safe exits if needed, and save you on your utilities bills and reduce frustration.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Energy Efficient Windows

If you observe condensation on your windows, or draft air leaks, those are signs that your windows are not effectively protecting you and your home from the outside elements. The heated air flows out in the winter, and chilly outside air sneaks its way into your home, making your heater work harder than it needs to, and wasting your money. Older, single-pane windows are far less energy efficient, more prone to air leaks, and provide only a single pane of glass to protect and insulate your home from the elements outside.

Many local utilities providers offer a free energy assessment for your home, and can offer you some valuable insight on how to improve the energy efficiency of your home. Since windows are typically the source of up to 25% of the energy lost in homes, the auditor’s report should tell you how effectively your windows maintain proper energy and moisture control. The energy experts at Clarke & Rush can perform this assessment as well.

There may be some simple steps you can take to increase the energy efficiency in your home, like adding weather stripping or storm windows. If these less-expensive solutions don’t get the results you need, then a full window replacement may be necessary.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

How much does it cost to replace windows?

It is difficult to give a clear estimate regarding the cost of a window replacement, since there are a lot of variables, like the size, shape, quantity, and fabrication materials. Windows can range in price from $200 to more than $1,000 each, so choosing to install them simply in an effort to save energy isn’t always cost-effective.

Installing insulation in your attic or roof, for example, may be a more cost-effective solution to reduce your energy expenses. Certain energy-efficient home improvements – like replacement windows – may qualify you for local, state and federal tax credits or rebates, too.

With numerous loan and incentive programs available, the price does not have to be prohibitive. Replacing your windows comes with several benefits: noise and light control, dust and allergen reduction, easier maintenance, and a beautiful new look for your home. Many new replacement windows are also friendly to the environment, which makes them even more attractive.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Types of Vinyl Windows

They say that eyes are the window to the soul, and windows are the eyes of your home. Your home’s windows help define its character and personality, and broken, faded or mismatched windows really detract from the curb appeal of your home.

new window style

Whether your replacement window needs are functional, aesthetic, or some combination of both, windows can be made to suit any need. Of course your budget plays a big role, but with so many options available, we can help you find replacement windows that meet your needs and your budget.

When Window Replacement is Necessary, Contact Clarke & Rush

At Clarke & Rush we understand the investment of a window replacement. But we also know that not all window problems require a replacement. Our team will do their best to advise you on which windows need to be replaced, and which options will best meet your needs and budget. While other companies may charge for this service, for us it is just a part of doing business honestly. If your windows do require replacement, our knowledgeable window specialists perform thorough installations to ensure the beauty, efficiency, and longevity for your replacement windows.

Sewer Line Offset Repair

Many of the problems in sewer systems can be linked to pipes and joints that are offset. When joints shift or sink, they lose their alignment with the rest of the sewer piping and drainage problems result. In this article, you’ll learn the different causes, problems, and remedies of sewer line offsets. Use this information to take the appropriate steps to prevent this problem, or to get the necessary help from your local plumbers in Sacramento.

Sewer Line Offset Causes

Tree Roots. The roots of trees have the capacity to grow through, under and above the sewer lines on your property. When this happens, a sewer pipe joint may become offset when the roots expand and move the joint out of position. The sewer line offset repair experts at Clarke & Rush caution that different types of pipes have varying levels of susceptibility to tree roots. For example, clay pipes are especially vulnerable to tree roots.

Soil Movement. When the soil around the sewer pipes shifts or settles, it creates the possibility that offsets will be created. Once again, this result is more likely in clay pipes while cast iron sewer pipes stick together and form some kind of belly at the point where the ground has moved.

Problems Resulting from Offset Sewer Line Joints

Clogs. When offsets develop, a bottleneck is created at that point in the sewer system. As fluids and solids flow through the system, they slow down at the point of the offset. Over time, some solids will be stuck there and trap more materials until a big clog develops in the sewer pipe. Plumbing tools, such as snakes, can also snag at the offsets, thereby making it more costly and complicated to fix the existing clog.

Openings for tree roots. When offset joints and gaps develop in the sewer system, an opportunity is given to tree roots to penetrate the pipes. It all starts with roots following the moisture available to its source, and before long, the roots will penetrate the pipe and grow large inside that pipe. Clogs become a common problem and you may need the help of Sacramento plumbing professionals with advanced tools to cut out the offending roots.

Sinkholes. The gaps in the pipes and offset joints allow sewage to leak out of the pipes. This sewage not only contaminates groundwater but also carries soil with it as it flows. Over time, sinkholes will develop on your property in the areas where this underground sewage is flowing.

How to Diagnose Joint Offsets

Camera inspections. One of the best and most cost-effective ways to detect sewer pipe offsets is by asking your local plumber in Sacramento to perform a camera inspection of the sewer system. The inspection will reveal the precise location of the offset, as well as any other defects within the sewer system of your home.

Analyzing the debris during clog removal. You can also tell that there is an offset in the piping system by analyzing the debris pulled out during repairs, such as when clogs are being removed. If the plumbing equipment pulls out larger roots or mud, chances are there is an offset in the system.

Repairing Offset Sewer Line

Traditional repair methods. One of the options available entails excavating the affected section of piping and then repairing or replacing it with a new pipe section. This process is very invasive because a large section of your yard has to be dug up regardless of how priceless you think your landscaping is. The cost of this kind of repair may also be high, since the sewer line offset repair technician has to cover the cost of digging up, and later burying the pipe section being repaired or replaced.

Trenchless pipe repair. Alternatively, the Sacramento plumber may elect to use a trenchless pipe repair method if the section to be fixed is relatively long. Pipe bursting is an example of trenchless sewer repair. In this method, a small access hole is excavated to insert the plumbing equipment, after which the existing pipe is torn up while a new one is simultaneously installed in its place. This option is less disruptive since the entire pipe section doesn’t have to be dug out of the ground. Pipelining can also work to fix damage to offset or aging sewer pipes.

Many times, homeowners learn that sewer line offsets exist after suffering a lot of inconveniences due to clogs and sewage floods. You don’t have to go through the same. Work with the expert Sacramento plumbers from Clarke & Rush so that the sewer system is maintained properly. Any problems will be detected early and fixed so that the system isn’t disrupted. It all starts with a service contract with Clarke & Rush, so get one today.

Plumbing Odors Got You Down?

Kitchen or Bathroom Sink Smells:

guide to garbage disposals

If you observe plumbing odors coming from wither bathroom or kitchen sinks, you should check for leaks in the “s” traps found under the sinks. Sometimes these are also called “u” bends or “s” bends. This section of your plumbing system is designed to hold a small amount of water to act as a seal between your home and the sewer system the pipes drain into. If you discover there is no water in this section, then you have determined the source of the aroma.

The buildup of rancid grease or food particles in your pipes may also be a source of unpleasant odors. This greasy sludge is an ideal breeding ground for odor-producing bacteria. Regular maintenance of your drains and disposal, such as pouring a mixture of vinegar and baking soda down the drain will keep this under control.


Toilet Troubles:

when to replace my toilet

Similar to the “S” trap under your sinks, the water in a toilet bowl acts the same way, sealing sewer gases off from your home. If you do not see water in the bowl, you may have a leak that should be attended to right away. Also, check the wax seal at the bottom of the toilet. These do wear out and require replacing periodically, so a faulty seal lets you know that it’s time.


Shower or Bathtub Smells:

bathroom mold prevention

Being as the piping to these ammenities are hidden, it can be difficult for a homeowner to actually visualize the portions of plumbing necessary in this case, and it is wise to contact our team here at Clarke & Rush for guidance.



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