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Author: Clarke & Rush

Understanding Insulation Efficiency

Sacramento Insulation Contractor Explains Insulation Efficiency

We would venture to guess that there are two main things the average person knows about insulation – It stops the transfer of heat in and out of a home, and you better not touch it if you want to avoid getting all itchy from the fiberglass!

That’s a good place to start, but there’s a lot more to know, including the fact that the fiberglass batt insulation many of us grew up on is being used less and less frequently in new construction!


There are many different types of insulation, and there are even more applications that require insulation. Your home has many different types of insulation in it, and the most common places to find insulation in your home will be the following:

  • HVAC Ducting
  • Exterior Walls
  • Crawl Space / Foundation
  • Attic
  • Roof
  • Plumbing

HVAC insulation is different than wall insulation which is, in turn, different from pipe insulation used for your plumbing. They all, however, do the same thing – stop the transfer of heat through conduction. Insulation products are given an “R” value that designates that materials ability to reduce conduction. They use the following equation to determine the R value of a given material following lab testing:

R Value = (Temperature Difference * Area * Time ) / Heat Loss

The problem with that equation? Nothing! The problem with R value? The tests were done in a controlled lab setting!!!

R Value Is Not Enough!

The R value is a valuable tool that helps us determine the best materials to use while insulating a building, and a high R value material will protect against conduction, but there are three other equally important factors that could render the highest R value materials completely useless!

Heat can be transferred in and out of a structure in one of four ways:

  • Conduction – Process by which heat is directly transmitted through a substance when there is a difference of temperature between adjoining regions
  • Convection – Process by which heat is transferred by the movement caused by hotter, less dense material to rise, and colder, denser material to sink under the influence of gravity
  • Radiation – Process by which the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or subatomic particles cause surrounding material to become excited and heat up
  • Air Infiltration – Process by which your insulation is bypassed because of a leak in the system – if the air can move past the insulation, its R value is rendered useless because the heat did not need to transfer through the material to enter or exit your home

What Does This Mean?

This means that you need to make sure your insulation job is done right! You could buy the most expensive and highest R value material on the market, but if you have leaks in your walls, or any other type of air infiltration into your home, you will be wasting money. It can be difficult to assess a home for air leaks because they are often located within the walls, or crawlspaces of your home, and this is why a lot of new homes are using densely packed insulation that is blown in when the structure is built. Spaying every nook and cranny releases you from the fear that you missed a spot!

Thinking About an Insulation Upgrade? Call a Sacramento Insulation Contractor Now!

The Sacramento insulation contractor, Clarke & Rush, has been helping families make their homes more efficient since the government rolled out the Energy Star Program!!!

We can help you with everything from upgrading your insulation, to replacing your windows and even your entire HVAC system! We have the team, the tools and the knowledge of energy efficiency to make your home improvement dreams come true. Contact our Sacramento insulation contractor today!

Common Plumbing Mishaps and How to Avoid Them

Sometimes, life happens. One day, your house is in tip-top shape, all appliances and utilities working in perfect order; and the next, your plumbing causes a flood.

Be the issue with your toilet, your kitchen sink, or your shower drain, those problems were actually a long time coming, even if the stoppage appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Many plumbing and water damage mishaps are a product of buildup and honest mistakes, so while the clues were there, they were too subtle to notice.

Common Plumbing Mishaps and Why They Happen

Some plumbing mishaps are due to human error, while others are, unfortunately, an effect of circumstance. Here are some ways to recognize and prevent these issues from occurring again:

avoiding costly winter plumbing problems

Frozen Pipes

When water freezes, it expands, putting pressure on a pipe until it eventually breaks. This issue is most likely to occur in pipes that run through unheated rooms like basements and garages, or in outdoor spaces like around the swimming pool and with your hose.

Solution: Indoors, you can insulate rooms that are not typically heated. Outdoors, you should drain the water from your swimming pool and be sure to unhook your hose during colder months.

For even more information about preventing winter plumbing problems, click here.

clean drain in kitchen sink

Pouring Grease Down the Drain

Doing this causes the grease to stick to the inside of the pipes. If you pour too much grease down the drain, the dried grease will accumulate until the pipe is completely clogged.

Solution: Don’t pour grease down the drain! The common belief that running hot water down the drain will melt away the grease is incorrect, so save an empty coffee grounds or soup can instead to pour the liquid grease into, and wait until it hardens into fat so you can toss it in the trash.

Surely the time waiting for the grease to dry is worth the trouble you’ve just saved yourself in the long run.

Septic Issues

Hard-to-flush toilets, water backing up in sinks, and swampy grounds around your septic tank (unrelated to recent bad weather) are some signs of septic issues.

Solution: Be sure to schedule regular septic pumping appointments with a professional. While not the most glamorous home improvement investment, it is a necessary one to remove filth that has built up inside.

Between each draining, avoid (again) pouring grease down the drain, and use cleaners commonly filtered through water pipes (such as laundry detergent) sparingly.

when to replace my toilet

Toilet Wax Ring Failure

When the wax ring around your toilet fails, you will undoubtedly see signs of leaks or smell an odor that, for once, isn’t due to your significant other’s unfortunate bodily functions.

Solution: Regular wax ring wear is unpreventable, so in this case you’ll just have to replace it. Toilet repair can be easily done without hiring a professional, however, if you are unsure, it is always prudent to seek qualified expertise.

Depending on your plumbing problem, the remedy may involve bringing in a professional (darn those stinky septic tanks) or making a personal behavior change (no more pouring grease down the drain!).

Most issues become simple to spot once you’re aware of how they’re caused, so keep your eyes—and nose—peeled for any future suspicious warning signs.

If you suspect these, or any other potential plumbing issues in your home, contact the skilled professionals at Clarke and Rush. Our technicians can detect and repair any issues with your pipes, in a timely and cost-effective way. We have been proudly serving the greater Sacramento area for over 50 years.

Helpful Tips In Hiring An Experienced Plumber in Sacramento

In need of an experienced plumber in Sacramento?

There is always points to consider when faced with the task of repairing or maintaining your residential plumbing system. While we understand that there are some jobs that can be tackled by yourself, for the more serious issues nothing more than an experienced plumber will suffice. At Clarke & Rush we know that it can be daunting when coming to the decision of which plumbing service to go for. Here are some simple tips to consider when hiring a plumber:

Are they licensed, registered, and insured?

We would strongly recommend avoiding plumbers who are neither licensed, registered or uninsured. It can make for a costly mistake. You may well get a better rate but the quality of work could be lacking. The old motto “buy cheap, pay double” can certainly apply in this regard. If the professional you are speaking with is hesitant to show you their credentials we would suggest to keep looking. At Clarke & Rush we have all the credentials needed to prove to you that we are the right choice.

How important are customer reviews and references?

For us this is a no brainer. Every contractor will be quick to tell you of how efficient and professional they are, and that their quality of work is unmatched. What you need to pay attention to is how their former clients feel about the work carried out for them. We have a review page on our website that you can visit here and see what our clients have to say about us.

Experience is key

We are all for the young professionals out there that want to make a name for themselves and that’s great, everybody has to start somewhere. But when it comes to the more complicated cases we believe that going with a highly experienced plumber who has many years working within the field is best. For over 50 years Clarke & Rush has delivered high quality plumbing services to our customers. From simple leak repairs to 24-hour plumbing emergencies, our professional team can take care of your home. We are known for the consistent quality of our work that has built trust and confidence in the Sacramento area.

Is there a warranty in place after the work has been completed?

We have heard a lot of bad experiences from customers with other contractors about jobs being only half completed, or that break down after a short while with no guarantee of their maintenance. On the rare occasion that the work we have completed has a few kinks, or is not exactly firing on all cylinders we will gladly revisit the site and rectify what is going wrong. We have a warranty of 1 year which should give you piece of mind, knowing that that safety net is in place.

We hope that these few helpful tips can aid in you making the right decision. You can contact Clarke & Rush by phone on (916)609-2669 or fill out our online contact form. To get a plumbing instant quote please fill out this form here.

Remodeling: 4 Important Improvements

Remodeling home. What should I fix first?

Where do you start when remodeling a home? To figure that out, you have to ask yourself a few questions. First, what are you able to remodel yourself and what will require a licensed contractor? Second, what is your budget?

You will need to acquire permits, purchase materials, and hire contractors, so this question will likely determine the entire remodeling outcome. Have a feasible budget in place, but be prepared to go over budget, as well. Mistakes, accidents, and the unforeseen can and will happen, so be ready.

Next, you will need to assess the home to determine what can be fixed, what needs to be replaced, and what needs to be added anew. The remodeling process also depends on whether or not you are planning to live in the home, rent it out, or sell it for a profit.

Let’s take a look at a few areas of your fixer-upper that will likely need attention.

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In older homes you will want to take a look at the pipes. Homes built before the 1990s may have pipes that consist of materials which no longer meet the requirements of U.S building codes. There are three types of outdated piping that will need to be replaced if it exists in the home.


Likely the oldest material used to make pipes, lead was a perfect metal for plumbing purposes due to its durability and malleability. Lead, however, is terribly toxic and can cause a grocery list of health issues.


In the 70s polybutylene was touted as the pipe of the future, and was debuted as a replacement for copper pipes. While this material was used heavily in the 80s, it was found to be highly defective. Oxidants in the water would react with the material causing it to become very brittle and crack. Polybutylene was primarily used in the manufacturing of mobile homes, but any residence built in the 80s has a chance of this material being somewhere in the plumbing system.


Galvanized pipe is iron coated in a layer of zinc. As time wears on the zinc begins to corrode leaving the iron open to the elements, which in turn cause it to corrode. While galvanized pipes can last for many years, they have the tendency to clog with rust, or they become so brittle that they flake and break apart.

If you find any of these piping types in your remodel, you will want to replace them with copper, PVC, or PEX respectively.

Sewer Line Inspection

Shifting sewer lines are fairly common in older homes, as well as root damage. Inspecting the sewer is important, as sewers see a lot of use and can cause quite the mess if a problem is not addressed.

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HVAC System Inspection

Is the Unit and Ducting Installed Correctly?

When addressing the HVAC system in older homes you’ll want to know whether or not the system was original to the home, or was the system added later? If the home did not include a heating and cooling system you will want to have the system inspected to be sure the ducting was installed correctly, the size of the unit is sufficient for the size of the home, and that it is operating efficiently.

Poor Air Quality

Old homes inherently come with drafty windows and doors that allow pollen and other pollutants into the home. An HVAC system that is not the correct size for the home, or an older unity that may be on its last leg can cause excess levels of humidity, which results in mold and mildew problems. Consider installing an in-duct UV purifier, as well.

Aging Systems

The systems of yesteryear do not compare to the energy efficient models available today. Upgrading to an Energy Star certified unit will decrease utility costs, improve the quality of your air, and make you more comfortable overall.

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Rain Gutters & Down Spouts

Gutters may not seem all that important, but believe us, they are! Improperly pitched gutters, leaks, and corrosion can lead to wall damage, roof and attic damage, and compromised foundations.

Be certain that the gutter on the home is draining effectively. If you see standing water in the trough and little to no debris, you will likely need to adjust the pitch of the gutter to allow it to drain. Inspect the down spouts to be sure they are free of debris and critters, too.

The fascia and roofing edge should be checked, also, to ensure that no water is being drawn into the attic or under the shingles. Letting a small roof leak go unattended can lead to a great deal of damage to your ceiling, walls and floor boards, so inspect the area thoroughly and fix even the smallest problems immediately.

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Attic and Wall Insulation

While you’re out inspecting the gutter, you should continue your adventure into the attic. Note the level of insulation. If you can see any beams through the material you are going to need to apply more insulation to bring the level up to the proper R-Value, ensuring your home is effectively insulated. Check the corners where the roof meets the wall and check for moisture that may be present from a faulty roof are seeping gutter system.

Adequate insulation in your home is paramount for regulating temperature and effectively controlling energy usage and utility costs.

There you have it. Now you can go gather your tools, grab a ladder, and some coveralls and get to poking around to find out where you need to begin the remodel. Consult a licensed contractor if you are uncertain of a fix, or if you do not have the experience or desire to perform any repairs.

Clarke & Rush is Sacramento’s most trusted full-service contractor, and we’re here to help you save money by saving energy. Smart energy savings. It’s what we do.

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Smartest Investments You Can Make in Your Home

One of The Smartest Investments You Can Make In Your Home!

Clarke & Rush encourages our customers to take a long term approach to Smart Energy Savings while improving your homes comfort, value and monthly energy savings on your utility bills. One of the smartest investments you can make in your home is to have the proper insulation working which provides year-around comfort and savings on your monthly utility bill.

attic insulation

Insulation acts as a barrier to heat loss and heat gain, particularly in roofs and ceilings, walls and floors.

In many homes insulation is the most practical and cost-effective way to make a house more energy efficient, keeping it cooler in summer and warmer in winter and saving up to 80% in heating and cooling losses. In addition, insulation may reduce condensation in the home. This can provide health benefits by reducing mold and dampness throughout you home.

Attic and Wall Insulation keeps your home warmer in the winter, which lowers your heating costs. In summer, insulation eases the load on your air conditioner and saves you money. Proper insulation can also absorb sound, reducing unwanted noise while keeping you more comfortable and energy efficient!

Clarke & Rush has qualified thermal efficiency specialists that can assist Sacramento homeowners in achieving the best R-value for your home. Essentially R-value is a measure of thermal resistance, or the ability to prevent the transfer of heat. The larger the number, the harder that insulation is working at preventing heat conduction. The less heat loss, the lower your energy bills. Blown insulation is lightweight, has high R-value, is non-corrosive, and helps dissipate moisture, which together works for maximum energy efficiency for your home.

We take our responsibility very seriously when you place your trust in us. All work areas are cleaned, vacuumed, and put back to their original condition. We take extra measures to make sure that every detail is handled with your 100% satisfaction in mind.

At Clarke & Rush, where we have served Sacramento area homeowners for over 50+ years, we believe in Smart Energy Savings for you! We have many services and products that provide efficient heating and cooling like dual pane windows, heating and air systems, but we know that one of the smartest investments that you can make in your home is to have proper insulation which ensures your comfort and highest efficiency of all your systems. Find out for yourself and call us today (916) 609-2669 for a no obligation estimate or visit us online at www.Clarke-Rush.com.

Clarke & Rush has proudly served the needs of homeowners in Sacramento, Roseville, Rocklin, West Sacramento, City of Sacramento, Galt, Wilton, El Dorado Hills, Auburn, Granite Bay, Loomis, Placer County, Sacramento County, El Dorado County, Placerville, Diamond Springs, Shingle Springs, Elk Grove, Rancho Cordova, Citrus Heights, Carmichael, Fair Oaks, Natomas, North Sacramento, East Sacramento, South Sacramento, Folsom, Orangevale, Gold River.

We look forward to providing you with great service and Smart Energy Savings for you and your home!

Holiday Plumbing Horrors: How to Prevent Them

Thanksgiving Day Plumbing Problems

There are typically two rooms of the house that will incur plumbing problems on Thanksgiving Day – the kitchen and the bathroom.

Obviously, with all the food scraps being thrown down the garbage disposal, your kitchen plumbing takes a mean whooping. Then there are the family members who have stuffed themselves to the point of unbuttoning their pants, and standing in queue for their turn to wreak havoc on your toilet. With the myriad of waste pummeling your pipes, there’s no question why plumbing problems surface.

kitchen sink installation

Preventing Plumbing Problems

By taking a few precautionary measures you can avoid most issues and save your plumbing from the battle to come.

  1. Take care of known plumbing problems before the actual day arrives. Plumbing problems have a tendency to build up over time, then become an issue at the most inconvenient times (perhaps minutes before you serve dinner). Take the time and call your local plumber early on to take care of suspected leaks or other plumbing issues that you may not be aware of. Leak detection services are available to rule out the unknown, plus it’s a good idea to identify any unknown issues to save yourself from costly damages down the line.
  2. Use the Garbage Disposal sparingly. Here are some standard rules to dispose by:
    • Don’t fill the garbage disposal completely before turning it on.
    • Don’t use the garbage disposal for grease, fat or oil.
    • Don’t dispose of fats, starches or fibrous foods in the sink, i.e., celery, poultry skin, potatoes, etc.
  1. Use a mesh strainer to keep unwanted food, or utensils from falling into the drain. This will help to prevent clogging while also keeping your utensils from getting a beaten from the disposal.
  2. DO NOT flush anything down the toilet is not toilet paper, or human waste. Watch those little ones to be sure they are not flushing their toys down the toilet, too!

In conclusion, don’t wait until Thanksgiving Day to find out you need plumbing services.

Save yourself the trouble, time and possible damage, and call a licensed plumber to schedule and appointment. At Clarke & Rush we are happy to answer any questions, and provide you with outstanding plumbing services when you need them.

Energy Efficiency Increases Home Value

3 Ways to Increase Home Value

1. Upgrade for Energy Efficiency

According to a panel of real estate agents surveyed, energy efficiency upgrades that were promoted in home listings proved to be rather valuable. The question is; which energy efficient options should you focus on as the homeowner?

In a 2019 Home-buyers report, put out by the National Association of REALTORS® Research Group,
home buyers found these 6 environmentally friendly upgrades to be most beneficial.

  1. Heat and cooling systems
  2. Windows, doors and siding installations
  3. Energy-efficient appliances
  4. Landscaping for energy conservation
  5. Energy-efficient lighting
  6. Solar panels installed on home

As an example of what you might expect to gain from energy efficient upgrades let’s look at window replacement. If you were to retrofit your home with 10 energy efficient vinyl windows, like Anlin’s Catalina Series, you could see up to a 70% return on the investment, as well as saving significantly on your monthly energy cost.

What is normal with HVAC systems and what is not?

2. Update Systems and Appliances

Another way to show value in your home is to assure the buyer that home maintenance issues are not going to present a problem. By ensuring that all your home’s systems and appliances are up-to-date and functioning properly, buyers will be put at ease knowing that they are not walking into a money pit of maintenance issues.

So, if the water heater is older than 10-12 years old you will likely want to replace it. As well, if any appliances or system mechanics are making noise, leaking, or not working as they should, you will want to fix it before putting your home on the market. The roof, too, is a value add. Mid-range roofing replacements that use asphalt shingles have an estimated cost of $22,000, but you can expect to see up to a 68% return on that investment. Impressive!

program your thermostat for maximum comfort and savings

3. Improve Technology

As a society, we are becoming far more interested in buying homes that are equipped with widgets and doo-dads. In recent surveys the smart home products homebuyers preferred to have already installed prior to buying a home in the next year are as follows:

  1. Smart thermostats
  2. Smart fire detectors
  3. Smart carbon monoxide detectors
  4. Smart camera
  5. Smart lock
  6. Smart lighting system

So, take a look around. Search and scour the internet for the newest and coolest tech, then contact a local, licensed contractor and get the ball rolling. Deck your home with smart and energy efficient options and you’ll likely see quite a nice return on your home investments.

For HVAC, windows, plumbing, gutters, and insulation you can turn to Clarke & Rush, Sacramento’s original full-service contractor. Trusted since 1963.

Clarke & Rush

Top 5 HVAC Fails on the Internet

Holy HVAC!

We know it is tempting to take on home improvement projects by yourself, and often enough, it turns out just fine. But then there are the times it doesn’t. In this article we rounded up the top 5 weirdest things we could find. The internet does not disappoint! Let’s take the lead from these DIYers and dive into these head first.

1. One more ought to do it!

seen at: greenbuildingadvisor.com

We are not quite sure what is going on here? Either someone got duct happy, or they’re prepping their Halloween haunted house. It certainly is scary, whichever the case may be.

2. When the guy in shipping says he can fix it…

seen at: nationaltradesman.com

Hey, we know he’s probably a great guy, but letting Bobby the box boy fix your HVAC to save money is likely going to cost you in the end. To be honest, it is an incredible make-shift duct, I guess. I mean, the cats would love it!

3. UH…..What?

seen at: hvac-hacks.com

We assume there was no permit pulled for this one? Even if it did pass code
(it didn’t) the neighbors just took a huge hit on their home values.
Although, maybe this is the new thing in tract homes? It is 2020 after all.

4. There you go Grandma! I fixed it.

seen at: evergyvanguard.com

This is just absurd! They should have duct-taped that register up and ran wide of the fan for better circulation. Just playing. We are certain this DIYer didn’t know a thing about what they were doing. Makes you want to see where the HVAC unit is located, right!?

5. Nah! The Fan’s fine. It’s the Air Conditioner that won’t work.

seen at: ebaumsworld.com

This is just a whole bunch of nope. Then, it’s strapped to a bunch more nope. Just. Nope. Save yourself the heartache, the extra expense and the incurred shame that comes from becoming an internet FAIL. Call a licensed professional to maintain, repair, or replace your HVAC. You’ll be so very glad you did.

How Does Your Home’s Energy Efficiency Rate?


How Does Your Home’s Energy Efficiency Rate?

How does your home’s energy efficiency rate? What grade would you give it? There’s no reason that your home shouldn’t rate as an A+ and that you save on your energy bill each month, but if you’re feeling like maybe your home energy use & bill could be lower, maybe it’s time to call the Smart Energy Savings experts at Clarke & Rush.

Energy efficiency standards change yearly, as do methods to save energy in your home, so it’s important to keep current with those changes – both for your pocketbook, and for your family’s health, comfort and quality of life.

It all starts with a Free Home Energy Site Evaluation from Clarke & Rush. If during this free site evaluation it is determined that you could really improve your home’s Home Energy Performance. the next step would be to do a complete Home Energy Audit which would provide a more detailed assessment of each area of your home’s performance that could be costing you money. Your home is measured for heating, cooling, windows, doors, insulation and plumbing, including water purification. If needed, we can even help improve your indoor air quality by sealing leaks and cracks that let unfiltered outside air make its way inside.

We can analyze your home, provide you with a professional recommendation, and help you apply for Financing Programs.

“If needed, we can even help improve your indoor air quality by sealing leaks and cracks that let unfiltered outside air make its way inside,” Pat Rush, President of Clarke and Rush said. “Our Whole House Retrofit Program focuses on ultimate home performance.”

Ultimate home performance means that you save money, and your house is the comfortable place that your family deserves. Clarke & Rush often offer large rebates and low-interest financing, and special programs that offer high dollar incentives to make upgrades. Clarke & Rush works hand-in-hand with the utilities to make sure homeowners find the proper energy solutions that allow them to take maximum advantage of any rebates and special offers.

This fall is the perfect time to make changes. During cold months, heating your home is typically your highest energy expense – oftentimes heating can account for half of your monthly utility bill. An audit will let you know if you need to update insulation, sealing, or maybe your filters just need to be cleaned.

Water heating is often the second largest energy expense this time of year. Most water heaters can last between 10 to even 20 years, and maintaining them properly can not only extend the life of the water heater, but also increase efficiency by minimizing heat loss. The bottom Line? There are plenty of ways to save on your energy usage.

Remember the first step is to have Clarke & Rush come out for a free Home Energy Site Evaluation, and know that Clarke & Rush has been providing quality service to the community since 1963. “Clarke & Rush is all about Smart Energy Savings for you,” Pat said. ‘We strive to improve the efficiency of your home, saving you money, and also helping the environment.”

Clarke & Rush is proud to be a designated Home Performance Contractor, a distinction awarded to only a handful of local companies. The company received an Achievement Award from the US Federal Government Department of Energy, and Pat and his team have worked hard to earn these awards and designations, and they remain committed to delivering the region’s highest quality home performance.

Your home deserves both comfort and quality, at an affordable price. Call Pat Rush and his team today and start the process of getting your home’s energy efficiency grade higher and you’ll be earning Smart Energy Savings everyday!

Why You Should Never Skip Water Heater Maintenance

This is typically the time of year that homeowners schedule maintenance for their heating systems so that they’re ready to handle the colder temperatures. But there are other parts of your home that also deserve this type of attention—such as your water heater.

The water heater is one plumbing appliance that needs regular checkups and inspections, and this is the perfect time of year to arrange for it. Even though water heaters work on almost every day of the year, they do receive additional work stress during the winter. Plus, winter is typically the time of year when you least want to have your water heating suddenly break down and cut off the hot water supply.

Maintenance Is Good For Your Water Heater

There are not many appliances within your home that do more work than your water heater. After all, you need it for a number of tasks, from showering and bathing, to cooking, cleaning, and more. The stress that’s placed on your water heater will build up, unless it receives routine maintenance, and can lead to problems including energy waste and perhaps even premature system failure.

Here are some of the ways in which maintenance is good for your water heater:

  • Longer Lifespan: All the work your water heater goes through begins to cause wear and tear to the system, which if left unaddressed can lead to premature system replacement. That’s a costly route to take, however. You want the best return on investment possible from your water heater, and maintenance is the only way you can successfully keep age from rapidly catching up with your water heater.
  • Energy Savings: There are a number of ways that a deteriorating water heater will begin to cause the system to drain more power than necessary. One example is the buildup of sediment in the water heater tank, making it harder for the burners to transfer heat into the water in the tank. This forces the burners to run for longer periods and consume more power. Technicians can flush the tank to solve this problem, and there are a number of other steps in maintenance that will keep your water heater working at its peak efficiency level.
  • Catch Repairs Early: During your maintenance appointment, our technicians closely inspect the water heater to locate places where repairs might be needed. We might notice slow leaking areas that can rapidly turn into much bigger problems if left unaddressed, or could find issues with gas flow or flakes of corrosion on the burner. You’ll be able to schedule repairs promptly before they cause trouble and cost you money.
  • Prevent Emergency Breakdowns: This is probably the biggest benefit of water heater maintenance. It gives you the peace of mind that the water heater won’t give out on you unexpectedly. A maintained water heater has the best chance of making it through the coming year with a minimum amount of problems and no need to make emergency repair calls.

Clarke and Rush has been serving residents in the Sacramento area for over 50 years, offering expertise and a commitment to quality that you can trust. Our team strives to be the best in the business, helping our residential and commercial clients overcome plumbing issues and guaranteeing their satisfaction. Contact us today if your water heater needs service.