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Author: Clarke & Rush

Keep Your Home Warmer This Winter with New Windows

Winters can be very cold in Sacramento. The extremely cold temperatures are not something most people want to experience. That’s why most people want to stay in their warm home during the winter. Clarke & Rush shares how to keep your home warmer this winter with new windows!

While houses do a good job at keeping the cold out, there are things that would affect its warmth. There are also things you could do to your house to make it more habitable during the cold season. For example, getting new windows. Your home’s windows are a great part of what keeps you warm during the winter. Inefficient windows not only allow you to feel the cold, but they also increase the energy cost in your house since your heating system will be working overtime. It is, therefore, important to consider the kind of windows you have in your house and how effective they are. 

Is it time to have your Sacramento window contractor replace the ones you have? 

Window experts at Clarke & Rush discuss some of the benefits of adding new windows in your house. 

New windows eliminate cold draft. 

There’ll always be a soft stream of cold air drifting into the house during the cold season. Get yourself a set of new windows and eliminate this cold draft. Draft not only makes you colder than you are supposed to be, but it also increases your energy consumption since your heating system will have to work harder to keep you warm. You can always tell whether there is draft in your house by holding a flame close to the window. A flickering flame means there is a draft. 

They offer extra protection from the elements. 

New and modern windows offer great functionality during the cold season. For example, people living in extremely cold places need modern windows with double panes. Argon gas is pumped in between the panes for energy efficiency. Anlin windows a great variety of high-quality and energy-efficient windows. 

New Windows have a lower U-value. 

Your new windows will be able to keep your house warm due to their great heat insulation properties. They are built with materials that keep the heat inside the house thus keeping you warmer. The lower the U-value of your window the better. This way, once the temperature inside the house gets warm enough for you, the windows will be able to maintain it. 

You will forget about temporary fixes.

This happens a lot during the cold season. People tend to turn to temporary fixes to keep the draft out. You will no longer have to install caulking, weather stripping or filming with new windows. Caulking is not a reliable option because it cracks eventually. 

They encourage more natural light into your home. 

No need to cover up your windows with blinds and drapes when you have new windows. Their effectiveness in keeping away the cold will allow you to simply let the sunshine into your home. 

A good window replacement company will have your house well fitted with new and modern windows that will see you brave the winter. At Clarke & Rush, we offer widow replacement services to keep your house habitable throughout any season. Give us a call and we will help you keep warmer this winter with new windows!

Can Window Replacement Save You Money?

The truth is that window replacements can pay for themselves if the homeowner selects high quality and energy-efficient windows. The savings will come from two directions. First, you’ll notice that the cool or warm air in your home stays in your home instead of escaping through the window’s cracks. Secondly, many newer window types, such as those with fiberglass or vinyl frames, don’t require costly maintenance (they don’t require repainting, for example). These combined savings can eventually help you to recoup the cost of the replacing your home’s windows. During the hotter months of the year, heat from outside can make its way into your home through the windowpanes and other poorly insulated components of the home. When you install energy-efficient windows, the insulated frames and glass with low heat transfer rates cuts down this transmission of heat. When this happens, you will use less energy to keep the interior of your home cool or warm (during the colder months). The window experts in Sacramento, CA reveal that these energy savings will vary depending on several factors, such as the cost of energy where you live and how well the rest of your home is insulated. You can try a few DIY steps to assess the condition of your windows and identify those that may no longer be energy-efficient.

  1. We recommend that you check for condensation on your windows. This applies if your windows have double or triple glazing. Any condensation you see may suggest that the seals on those windows have failed, so the windows can no longer do a good job of keeping your home energy-efficient.
  2. Observe your carpets and furniture and find out if any faded areas stand out. These faded areas could signify that sunlight has been streaming into the home directly onto those exposed carpets and furniture. Switching to windows with a higher capacity to filter out UV radiation will increase the energy-efficiency of the home.
  3. Do some research and find out what type of glass is appropriate for where you live. For example, people who live in warmer areas get better value by having windows with a low solar heat gain coefficient. Clarke & Rush believes in installing windows that are best suited to the climatic conditions of each area.

The real benefit is not in the purchase cost of the windows, which can vary depending on brand, style, frame material, etc. The true benefit comes in the savings. There are many federal, state and local rebates that you may qualify for with your purchase. Other savings come from the improved energy-efficiency of your home once the replacement windows have been professionally installed. The best way to calculate the total savings you can make is by inviting an expert from Clarke & Rush to inspect your property and advise you on how you can maximize your savings.

3 Signs Of A Plumbing Problem

Plumbing problems can be more difficult to diagnose than those in other systems in your home. This is primarily because your plumbing system is largely hidden from you, in the walls and floors of your home. If your plumbing pipes develop problems, you won’t really be able to visually inspect them like you would a heater or air conditioner. Despite their subtle natures, plumbing problems can still be detected before they do too much damage if you know what to look for. Below are 3 common warning signs of a plumbing problem.

Loss of Water Pressure

Loss of water pressure can indicate either a blockage or a leak somewhere in your plumbing system. Neither is a good thing, so it’s important to call a plumber as soon as you notice this symptom. Common causes of water pressure loss include leaks, limescale and pipe ruptures. If your pipe ruptures, you probably won’t receive any water at all. That’s definitely a sign that you need emergency plumbing repair.

Discolored Water

Discolored water is a sign of rust in your pipes, which can eventually cause leaks and even ruptures. If you are consistently getting discolored water in your pipes, it means that the rust is quite advanced. You should call a plumber sooner rather than later if that is the case.

Bad Smells

Your plumbing system is designed to flow in one direction, from the city to your house to the sewer. There are a number of design features in place to prevent things from flowing in reverse, sending sewer waste or smells back into your home. Under certain circumstances, though, those features can fail. If you observe bad smells coming out of your drains, it likely means that there is a problem with your plumbing system.

If you suspect these, or any other potential plumbing issue in your home, contact the skilled professionals at Clarke and Rush. Our technician can detect and repair any issues with your pipes, in a timely and cost-effective way. We have been proudly serving the greater Sacramento area for over 50 years.

What’s Ailing Your AC? Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Service Or Replacement

With the temperatures heading up to the 90’s next week, the last thing you want is to be stuck without AC in the middle of the heat. You can avoid this stressful and uncomfortable situation by paying attention to warning signs and repairing or replacing your air conditioner before the peak season. Even if it doesn’t need replacement, fixing an ailing air conditioner can also boost its efficiency, saving you money on your energy bill.

Here are 4 Signs it’s Time to Service Your Air Conditioner

Thermostat Issues

If your air conditioning system is functioning inconsistently, your thermostat could be malfunctioning. If one part of your house is extra cold but another is barely cool at all, you should have your thermostat checked.


Noises coming from your air conditioning unit usually signal extra strain on the machinery, indicating that the unit cannot keep up with the demands of cooling your home. You may only need to replace a part of the machine, or the entire air conditioning unit.

High Energy Bills

During the summer months, keep an eye on your monthly energy bills. A large spike during a particularly hot month is a tell tale sign that your AC unit is struggling to function properly. It can’t do its job effectively, and the inefficiency is reflected in your energy bill.


The most obvious indication that you need to replace your air conditioning unit is a malfunctioning compressor. If your AC simply isn’t doing its job, you probably need to replace the unit. Most air conditioning units last about 10 years, depending on how faithfully they’ve been maintained—if yours is getting old, have it replaced before it fails.

Avoid high bills by keeping your air conditioning unit is in peak condition. If you think you may need a new air conditioning unit, contact us. We have extremely energy efficient models that can save you money month after month. Don’t get stuck without air conditioning in the hot Sacramento summer! For more information, call 916-609-2669

Heating Energy Efficiency: Furnaces VS Heat Pumps

While winter temperatures in the Northern California are on the mild side, it can still be quite costly to heat your home. Replacing your existing system with something newer and more energy efficient is one way to reduce your monthly heating costs, while also improving indoor air quality and overall comfort.

Below is some important information put together by your Sacramento-area heating repair experts regarding the energy efficiency of two common types of home heating systems: furnaces and heat pumps.

Here’s what you need to know:

What is energy efficiency?

Energy efficiency refers to the amount of energy that is required to operate your heating system. While your system has a maximum efficiency measure, there are a number of other things that could affect its efficiency. Dirty filters, unmaintained systems, and even age can affect the operation and efficiency of your system, therefore costing you more than is necessary in heating costs. Expend less energy, and save money on your monthly utility bills.

Furnace Efficiency

Furnace efficiency is measured by the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE). This measure is expressed as a percentage. Gas fired furnaces tend to have higher AFUE than oil fired furnaces. Fuel availabilities in your area may affect your decision when choosing between a gas or oil furnace. High quality furnaces of today have efficiencies ranging from 82.7-96.7% AFUE, which is likely significantly higher than the efficiency of your existing system.

Heat Pump Efficiency

Heat pump efficiency is measured by the Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF). A higher HSPF indicates a higher level of efficiency. Heat pumps tend to be a more energy efficient option than furnaces, and add the extra benefit of performing cooling functions in the summer. We offer a number of highly efficient heat pumps with 9.2 HSPF at the highest.

Which system is a better fit? If you are thinking about replacing your existing heating system, it is recommended that you contact your Sacramento-area heating repair company for personalized, expert advice. Call Clarke and Rush today to schedule an installation estimate at your convenience!

Changing Air Filters Improves Quality of Air in your Home

Some people may be surprised to know that the Environmental Protection Agency discovered that the quality of indoor air is 70% more polluted than the air outdoors. To make matters worse, studies also showed that the average American spends almost 90% of their time inside.This means people are exposed to potentially harmful air conditions for most of their lives. This increases the risk of contracting a variety of diseases from indoor air pollutants, especially for people who are especially susceptible. The EPA categorizes poor indoor air quality as one of the top five public health risks for the American public. Speak to HVAC contractors in Sacramento now to ensure the quality of your air is up to health standards.[vc_single_image image=”1852″ img_size=”large” css=”.vc_custom_1602100901334{margin-top: 40px !important;margin-bottom: 40px !important;}”]There are ways to improve your air quality. Changing your air filter regularly can make a big difference in not only air quality, but the cost of running your air conditioning unit. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (or HVAC) systems have air filters that collect whatever air particles it can as the air is being conditioned. Having an old, dirty filter means having a filter that can’t clean the air and that may clog the system, forcing the air conditioning unit to work harder to provide your home with conditioned air (warm or cool). These filters should be changed even before they get dirty – new filters should be installed in frequent intervals. During the months the HVAC system is working the hardest, such as in the summer and winter months, they should be check and replaced more frequently.[vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1600115698768{margin-top: 20px !important;margin-bottom: 20px !important;}”]Checking and replacing an air filter monthly is a good rule of thumb. Definitely don’t go longer than three months without checking on your filter. Contact HVAC contractors in Sacramento if you need help changing your air filter.[vc_single_image image=”2491″ img_size=”large” onclick=”custom_link” link=”http://clarke-rush.com/schedule-appointment”][vc_custom_heading text=”Potential Dangers of Dirty Air Filters” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:265%25|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1602101166782{margin-top: 20px !important;margin-bottom: 20px !important;}”]The airborne pathogens in a home are invisible to the naked eye, but could cause serious harm to inhabitants. There are over 900 chemicals, particles, and biological materials in the air circulating in a typical home. Many of these could negatively affect the health of the people breathing this air. The following list contains information about the health risks of poor air quality and those that may be especially susceptible.[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1600116353115{margin-top: 20px !important;margin-bottom: 20px !important;}”]

  • When shopping for filters, take a look at the MERV (minimum efficiency reporting value) number on the packaging. These numbers range from 1 to 12 with higher numbers indicating better filtration.
  • Get an HVAC tuneup and regular maintenance, especially at the start of winter and summer seasons. Licensed HVAC contractors in Sacramento can investigate the health of your unit by checking electrical connections, looking for fire hazards and carbon monoxide, and calibrating the thermostat.
  • Change filters based on the manufacturer’s recommendations. Once a month is a good rule of thumb, checking more frequently during periods with more extreme weather.

Changing your HVAC system’s air filter is one of the easiest things you can do to ensure the air you and your family breathes is safe.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”2108″ img_size=”large”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]

Illnesses that may arise from airborne pathogens:

  • Heart disease
  • Mesothelioma
  • Lung cancer
  • Asthma

Airborne particles that may cause health problems:

• Pollen
• Mold
• Radon
• Carbon monoxide
• Dander
• Paint particles
• Asbestos[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]


• Coughing
• Sneezing
• Watery eyes
• Dizziness
• Fatigue
• Headaches
• Rashes
• Eye irritation
• Muscle pain
• Trouble breathing
• Wheezing
• Other respiratory problems
• Lung cancer
• Asthma
• Fever or chills
• Hearing loss
• Nose bleeds[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_custom_heading text=”More Reasons To Change Your Air Filter Regularly” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:265%25|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1600116217441{margin-top: 20px !important;margin-bottom: 20px !important;}”]As if more reason was needed besides your health and the health of your family, changing your air filter frequently can have other benefits as well:

  • Extends the life of your HVAC unit – a dirty filter is the most common reason a heating and air conditioning system breaks down. The system gets clogged and can overheat as dirt accumulates.
  • Lowers energy costs – dirty air filters have to work harder to pass conditioned air through. This means more energy is required to do the normal job of an HVAC unit, resulting in higher energy bills. The Department of Energy explains that the average household spends about $2200 a year on its energy costs. Consistently changing an air filter can decrease these costs by 5 to 15 percent.
  • Saves the environment – using more energy doesn’t only increase costs for the household – it increases how much energy must be generated. This means more carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are released in the process of producing this extra energy.

[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”913″ img_size=”large”][vc_single_image image=”2492″ img_size=”large” onclick=”custom_link” link=”tel:9166092669″][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″ css=”.vc_custom_1600115873026{margin-top: -40px !important;}”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

9 Benefits of Energy Efficient Home Replacement Windows

Chances are, someone you know has recently remodeled their home with energy efficient windows. Maybe you’ve even heard them talking about all the perks they now enjoy. Yet here you are looking for even more reasons to make the switch.

Well, you’ve come to the right place!

Windows have changed over the last few decades. New technologies have improved energy efficiency, leaving homes with older windows at a severe disadvantage. Here’s a list of 9 benefits you’ll enjoy with energy efficient home replacement windows.

1. Style Upgrade

Older single pane wooden windows are bland nowadays. You want options when it comes to making changes to your home. Replacement windows now come in a wide variety of materials and color options.

Replacement windows materials can include:

  • Vinyl
  • Wood
  • Aluminum
  • Fiberglass
  • Composite
  • Decorative

2. Remodeling Options

Replacing old windows provides an excellent opportunity to redesign your window layout. Many homes feature floor plans that use obsolete and fixed window styles.

Replacing older fixed windows lets you rethink how you want the windows in your home to serve your needs. Is your bathroom window fixed shut? Could your kitchen use a slider?

Many modern models replace older windows with new functionality. Replacing fixed windows with new models provides better ventilation and improved air circulation throughout your home.

3. Added Comfort

Older single pane windows don’t provide a great deal of comfort if you haven’t noticed. Sitting next to an old window often feels chilly or drafty during colder months. In the summer months, the sun makes rooms and surfaces very hot.

Without modern insulation, older windows create drafts in the winter and overheat the house in the summer. Newer models now have double and triple panes that help insulate rooms from the elements.

Energy efficient replacement windows support stable temperatures during the winter and reduce drafts. With double and triple panes, modern windows filled with Argon gas provide better cold weather insulation keeping your home comfortably warm.

New energy efficient windows have Low-E coatings that prevent a range of sunlight from entering your home. By preventing this range of light, you can rest assured the summer sun won’t work against your air-conditioner.

4. Reduced Noise

The spaces between panes of glass do more than insulate against outdoor temperatures. New windows also help dampen street noise and other loud sounds outside.

Homes in populated cities and neighborhoods are built closer together. Less space between homes means less room for noise to dissipate. With single pane windows, sitting in your living room while the neighbor mows their lawn can be almost unbearable.

However, energy efficient windows have insulation that help dampen outside noise creating a quieter indoor atmosphere.

5. Less Condensation

Condensation can be a serious problem in rooms that have higher levels of humidity. Kitchens and bathrooms are notorious places where moisture collects in the air.

This can be a serious problem for those with asthma and a constant battle to keep window surfaces clean. It all starts when moisture collects in the air before condensing on cold window surfaces. The moisture then collects and runs down the window, creating ugly streaks and puddles of water.

But condensation creates more than just a mess. The increased presence of water can cause mold and mildew to form. Mold damage, if left unchecked, can cause serious damage to your home and valuables, not to mention your health.

Energy efficient replacement windows reduce the amount of condensation that forms. The insulation that helps maintain indoor temperatures also helps keep surface temperatures above the threshold that attracts moisture from the air.

While condensation cannot be totally avoided, replacing fixed windows with sliding alternatives can help ventilate rooms and reduce humidity before it becomes a problem. If you’re thinking about replacing a fixed window in your home, check out the primer on modern window styles.

6. Easier Cleaning

While energy efficient windows prevent condensation and water marks, every window requires occasional cleaning. However, newer options make cleaning less of a chore than pesky single pane windows.

As you know, you can reach the inside surface of a window from inside your home. However, the outside surface of the glass needs special attention and that rickety ladder from the garage.

However, new replacement windows make cleaning much easier than before. Energy efficient windows, like double hung designs, flip down from their rails providing easier access to the outside surface. With modern designs, you spend more time enjoying clean windows and less time balancing on the ladder.

7. Monthly Savings

Heating your home in the winter and cooling it in the summer is much harder with single pane wooden windows. Believe it or not, your single pane windows don’t do a great job of retaining indoor temperatures.

Running the heater in the winter with single pane windows can be very costly. Without the modern insulation of energy efficient windows, the warm air you’re paying for leaks out of your home.

Similarly, single pane windows don’t exactly help maintain cooler temperatures in the summer. Because sunlight enters through these single panes of glass unfiltered, the full spectrum of light passes through the glass, effectively turning your home into a greenhouse.

Newer technology helps prevent these troublesome effects. Low-E coatings and Argon gas filled panes help insulate your home and maintain comfortable temperatures. When you retain heat in the winter and keep your house cool in the summer, opening monthly bills is less of a nightmare.

8. Environmentally Friendly

Replacement windows do more than reduce heating and cooling expenses. When your heater and air conditioner run less and operate more efficiently with your home, the environment benefits as well.

By running heaters and air-conditioners less, you effectively reduce thousands of pounds of CO2 from entering the atmosphere, according to Energy Star.

Replacing your home windows with energy efficient models helps save you money while also helping preserve and protect the environment.

9. Ultra Violet Protection

Nowadays, you know about the harmful effects of the sun. Unlike your skin, your carpet and furniture can’t wear a thick layer of sun tan lotion.

Single pane windows can’t filter light that damages your property and deteriorates your belongings. Left unchecked, carpets and furniture can fade over time, causing unforeseen expenses.

However, energy efficient windows help filter UV light and prevent the harmful effects caused by the sun. With Low-E coatings helping to filter the natural light entering your home, you can rest assured your belonging won’t be damaged by the harmful effects of the sun.

While the advances in window technology may seem subtle and insignificant, the benefits are well worth the expense. With so many people talking about the impact of their new windows and the cost savings over time, now is the perfect time to consider remodeling your home.

Download our free guide to discover the best windows for the style of your home.

Have questions? Contact Clarke and Rush today, and speak with one of our skilled team about your window replacement needs.

4 Signs You Need Water Main Repair

On a scale of one to severe, a leaking water line is one of the most serious plumbing issues your Sacramento, CA, home can encounter. After all, the main water line is responsible for supplying your entire home with fresh water. If you observe any of these signs, you may need to call a professional for a water line repair immediately.

Standing or Running Water

A significant water main leak can cause running water to appear along your foundation wall or standing water to appear in your lawn or on a nearby sidewalk. If you notice any of these sights, call the professionals at Clarke & Rush right away. We’ll trace the water back to its source and advise you about necessary repairs before the damage becomes even more serious.

Discolored Water

When you go to pour a refreshing glass of water or take a shower at the end of a long day, seeing discolored water can be alarming. This often indicates corrosion in aging pipes, and it can also point to a water line that’s past its prime. Contact our plumbing professionals to discover if your your home needs water main repair or repiping.

Decreased Water Pressure

If your home always has low water pressure, this might not be cause for concern. If your home’s water pressure suddenly decreases, however, this could indicate that the water line has a significant leak. Don’t wait until standing water appears on your lawn, give us a call so we can get to the root of the problem.

Unusually High Water Bills

Like sudden decreases in water pressure, unusually high water bills can be the sign of a major leak. Whether the water line is the culprit or aging pipes have caused a leak elsewhere in your home, handle it right away by contacting our plumbing professionals.

Whether you are dealing with a leaking water main or any other plumbing issue, we are here to help. Call Clarke & Rush for emergency plumbing repairs and maintenance throughout the greater Sacramento area at: 916-609-2669.

Perform These Checks Before Contacting a Professional for Heater Repair

Even in Northern California, winters can be very chilly. This is why your heater needs the be in top working condition, particularly in the coldest months of the year. What if your heater gives out on you, leaving your home feeling like the inside of a freezer? Your first instinct is probably to call a HVAC repair company to inspect your system.

While that is a safe and reasonable choice, it is possible that the malfunction in your heating system is relatively minor and can be corrected quickly and simply.

Here are a few tips to try before calling the professionals at Clarke and Rush for heater repair in the Sacramento area.

Perform an Electrical Check

The first thing you need to determine is if there is a power supply to the system. Make sure there is no power interruption in your neighborhood before calling your local heater repair company.

If the breaker for your furnace has tripped, reset it and see if your unit starts working again. If the circuit keeps on tripping, then there may be a more serious electrical problem that requires professional attention.

If the fan does not run, check the fuse and make sure the furnace switch is in the “ON” position. Also, watch out for loose electrical connections. Check the panel board and look for any burn spots. If you feel uncomfortable performing these electrical checks,you can always have a professional do it for you instead.

Check the Filter

The filter’s job is to clean the air that goes into the furnace and the heated air that circulates throughout the house. If there are clogs or blockages in the filter, airflow is probably compromised, which will make furnace overheat.

There are newer furnace models that automatically shut down before too much dirt is accumulated, telling you to clean the filters. However, older units will keep on working – but with considerably less heat production and capped efficiency.

Professionals recommend changing furnace filters every 30 to 60 days, depending on how dirty the air is. Properly maintaining your filter can greatly impact the overall performance of your furnace.

Check the Thermostat

The thermostat is responsible for telling the furnace to function. That is why a malfunctioning thermostat can effectively disable your entire heating system. If your furnace stops working, you should always inspect the thermostat before performing any other troubleshooting steps.

You need to make sure the thermostat is set to HEAT. Also, keep in mind to set the thermostat to a thermal reading that is above the room’s temperature.

If your furnace has a thermostat that is battery-operated, check the low-battery indicator that typically flashes if they need changing. You’ll be surprised to know that a lot of furnace repair service calls are actually solved by simply replacing the batteries.

Check the Vents

Your furnace is vented to the outside to get rid of the after-effects of gas combustion. During winter storms, these vents can be clogged by snow and cause issues to your heating system.

If you have a new, high-efficiency furnace model, you do not need to worry since these units are designed to stop working when the vents are clogged. This is one of the safety features of some of the latest models.

However, if you have an older furnace that doesn’t have this safety feature, your system will continue to run, accumulating significant amounts of carbon monoxide, a very hazardous gas. You will need to manually check your vent pipe to make sure it is not clogged.

A common mistake homeowners commit is that they close all the vents in unused rooms. This could actually lead to damage to your system as closed vents generate higher pressure, causing high resistance and heat build-up within your heating system.

How Clarke & Rush Can Help

If you have attempted these simple troubleshooting tips but your furnace still gives you a headache, call a trusted heating company in Sacramento, CA like Clarke & Rush.

We are a premier HVAC company serving the Sacramento metropolitan area. We have been the preferred heating and cooling contractor of our clients for over 50 years. Our certified technicians have years of training and experience, and they can help you with your heater repair needs.

We offer after hours service should your furnace let you down after normal business hours. Our technicians won’t keep you freezing while you wait for someone to repair your furnace.

Avoiding Costly Winter Plumbing Problems

If somebody were to ask you what the most common winter plumbing problem is, there’s a pretty good chance you would answer, “frozen pipes.” This is definitely one of the most common problems we get calls for this time of the year, but certainly not the only.

One thing is for sure—when you do experience a plumbing issue during any time of the year, it’s a wise idea to call a professional Sacramento, CA, plumber, rather than trusting a general handyman or attempting repairs on your own. The latter could leave you with property damage, and potentially even injury.

We’ve Seen It All!

Our professionally trained and highly experienced plumbers are familiar with all the winter plumbing problems that may come your way, and can help resolve them. However, we’d also like to give you some information about the most common of these so you’ll know to keep an eye out for them, and understand why you need a professional touch when it comes to repairing them

Frozen Pipes

As we said, this is one of the most common winter plumbing problems that homeowners in our area deal with. Poorly insulated pipes or pipes in areas that aren’t well heated are in danger of freezing. If you run into problems with your home heating system, such as a furnace breakdown, then you also are at risk of pipe freezing.

The problem with frozen pipes is that they not only block water flow, but they also create a risk of lateral burst along the pipe. Water expands as it freezes, which creates increased pressure—and it’s actually while the pipe is thawing that you are most at risk of pipe rupture (which is the key reason we advise against trying to repair frozen pipes on your own).

If you do discover frozen pipes, shut off the water main ASAP to lower the pressure in the piping, open your taps to allow pressure to escape, and give our pros a call!

Main Water Line Break

This is related to frozen pipes—your main water line that connects your home’s plumbing system to the municipal water supply is also at risk of freezing, and subsequent bursting. The good news is, this can be prevented, by ensuring that your professional plumber installs pressure relief valves at the appropriate locations.

Broken Down Water Heater

There are a number of reasons that winter presents a high risk of water heater failure. For instance, hot water use is much higher during the cold months, increasing the demand on this system. Another issue is that the water entering the water heater is, understandably, colder than during the rest of the year. This forces the system to work harder to warm it up to your desired temperatures.

Be sure to keep a close eye during the winter on the performance of your water heater, so you can catch onto any signs of plumbing woes, like a drop in water temperature from the taps, a decline in water pressure, or rumbling sounds coming from the water heater tank.

For over 50 years Clarke & Rush has delivered high quality plumbing services to our customers. From simple leak repairs to plumbing emergencies, our professional team can take care of your home. We are known for the consistent quality of our work that has built trust and confidence in Clarke & Rush.

We offer no obligation estimates for your plumbing repairs! So contact us online, or call us at 916-609-2669 today!