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Author: Clarke & Rush

It’s Time For Your Furnace Tune-Up

It’s Time For Your Furnace Tune-Up

Your home is equipped with appliances and utilities that help make your life easier. Most of us look forward to coming home to a nice and cozy house after a long work week. A furnace provides you extra warmth during the cold winter seasons, so it’s important to stay on top of your furnace repairs and maintenance. Getting your furnace checked out by a professional HVAC technician is key to keeping your furnace working for years to come. So, when do I need to get a furnace tune-up? Typically, we suggest tune-ups before winter has settled in, that way you can have your furnace up and running when you need it the most. Yup, that’s right, it’s time for your furnace tune-up Sacramento!

During your professional tune-up, one of our Clarke & Rush HVAC technicians will clean and inspect your furnace. The technician will have a checklist to ensure nothing gets left behind. In this article, we discuss what exactly you can expect during our furnace tune-up.

The checklist will include: 

Furnace Cleaning

This involves cleaning components such as then fan blades, drain lines, and blowers of the outdoor unit. The coil will also be cleaned. Given that your outdoor unit is more likely to get dirty due to its positioning, components such as the coil are hard to clean. Let a qualified HVAC technician do it. 

Furnace Inspection 

This involves looking for faults such as cracks and wear and tear. Your technician can also pinpoint other problems that might occur in the future and fix them. During this inspection, the technician will tighten any wiring connections, check the vacuum indoor filter and adjust burners.  

Furnace Testing 

If you are using a gas or oil furnace, you will need to get it checked regularly to prevent leaks and fumes which are dangerous to you and your family’s health. 

Your Sacramento technician will also test fuel pressure, pilot or igniter, thermostat controls, and airflow. They will also use a performance evaluation computer (PEC) to make further adjustments and ensure that your furnace is in top shape. 

The testing, cleaning, and inspection of your furnace should not take long. Your technician will provide you with a checklist to ascertain that they have down a problem tune-up of your system. 

Determining Whether to Tune-up or Replace Your Furnace 

Your furnace is likely to last for about 15 to 20 years with proper furnace maintenance. So, you may not need to replace your furnace for a long time, especially if you are a first time owner. 

There are, however, things other than age that can influence your decision to replace your home’s furnace. 

Your energy consumption, for example, is one factor. If your energy bill keeps hiking due to the furnace it could mean a problematic blower. It might be time to replace your furnace. 

Additionally, if you keep having to call an HVAC technician for repairs or keep hearing banging or rattling sounds whenever the furnace is on, you might have to replace the unit. Your HVAC technician will be better able to let you know whether you need a furnace repair or furnace replacement

Call Clarke & Rush for professional furnace maintenance in Sacramento. We offer top-rated furnace installation, replacement, repair, and maintenance to keep your home heating system in the best condition throughout the year. 

Furnace Inspection for Fall

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Furnace Inspection for Fall may seem like no big deal, but is an important part of homeownership. If you are a first-time homeowner, you may not fully know what a typical fall furnace maintenance tune-up in Sacramento includes. In this article, you will learn about the different tasks our team will complete when visiting your Sacramento home.

Furnace Inspection for Fall
Check List.

1. Furnace Safety Inspection

Many families have a dual-fuel heating system so that when one source of fuel fails, the other acts as a backup. For example, many HVAC systems rely on electricity and gas as sources of fuel. Our furnace repair experts in Sacramento maintain the equipment so that it operates safely. Some of the specific aspects that we pay attention to in this regard include the following:

Heat Exchanger Analysis. Our furnace technicians come armed with a combustion analyze. This tool is used to analyze the state of your furnace’s heat exchanger.

Gas Leak Detection. Your safety and well being is our number one priority. We will use our special equipment to locate the gas line. We always check to see if there are any leaks that could pose a safety hazard to you and your family. Any leak that is flagged by our Sacramento heating professionals is subjected to a bubble test to confirm that we have pinpointed the source of the leak.

Nearby Combustibles. At Clarke & Rush, we will make sure that there are no combustible substances near your gas furnace. If we notice some flammable substances near your furnace, we will simply have you remove since it is considered a fire hazard. We always recommend removing them so that there is at least a 10 foot clearance away from the furnace. 

2. Efficiency Inspection

At Clarke & Rush, our furnace repair professionals realize that nothing lasts forever, including your furnace. That’s why we offer furnace maintenance services. We have a long checklist of items that we inspect in order to be certain that your furnace is working efficiently. Those items include:

  • Draft diverter and the flue pipe.
  • Amp draw of the blow motor.
  • Amp draw of the inducer motor.
  • Blower capacitor.
  • Blower assembly and its cleanliness.

If you have an electric powered furnace, the checklist is shorter. Our Sacramento furnace technicians will the fan motor, Amp draw, and the heat pump’s compressor.

3. Operation Inspection

The core of what we do during your Furnace Inspection for Fall is to check that your furnace can keep your home warm during the colder months of the year. Without an operating furnace, you and your family would be miserable during the winter! These are some of the things that we focus on to make sure your furnace is operational:

  • The Heat Rise. This test enables our furnace maintenance personnel in Sacramento to determine whether the air is being heated properly by the furnace. We make sure that the heat rise is just right, so we find out why it is low or too high and then we adjust it accordingly.
  • The Pilot Light. We inspect and ensure that the hot surface igniter and the pilot light are working as they should.
  • The Ductwork. Ductwork is crucial in determining the efficiency of a furnace, and the ductwork is also important in the operational condition of that furnace. Leaky ducts allow unconditioned air to lower the temperature of the heated air flowing through those ducts, and this could compromise the operational status of the furnace. We fix any issues present in the ductwork.

If we find that everything is running smoothly, we give you the good news that your furnace is set to do its work in the winter. If anything is not working properly, Clarke & Rush professionals make sure that they draw your attention to the anomaly so that you can select from the options recommended to fix that issue.

So, have you had your furnace inspection for fall? If not, contact Clarke & Rush today if you live in the Sacramento area. Our professionals will schedule a service visit and address all the concerns that you may have about your furnace or any component of the HVAC system.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

DIY Furnace Repair

DIY Furnace Repair may sound scary, but we have created a guide that will help you solve basic furnace problems yourself. That way, you don’t have to rely on a professional each time your furnace gives out.

DIY Furnace Repair Tips Just for You

1. Is the Thermostat On?

Some people complain about the heating not working, without even checking to see if the thermostat is on or not. Therefore, the first step to ensure your furnace is actually functioning is to make sure that the heat is on. Here are some checks you can do on the thermostat yourself: 

  • Step 1: First, you need to see how the thermostat is powered. Some homes have a thermostat that is wired to the home’s electrical system, while others use batteries. If your thermostat uses batteries, make sure they are functioning because they may need to be replaced.
  • Step 2: Try cleaning your thermostat once in a while. To do this, you need to first open it then blow and dust off any debris.
  • Step 3: Check the fuse for the furnace to make sure that works too. To do this, you need to go into the breaker and turn it off and on.

2. Resetting the Home Circuit Breaker When the Furnace Isn’t Heating Properly

Sometimes the circuit breaker of the home trips or fuses which results in the furnace not working. Here is how you can test it.

  • Step 1: Go to the circuit breaker of your home and see whether any of the switches are in the off position or in the middle.
  • Step 2: Turn the breaker off then on.
  • Step 3: Make sure all the switches on the breaker are on. 

Doing this will reset the breaker.

3. Changing the Filter When the Furnace Doesn’t Provide Enough Heat

Your furnace can be on and working but not necessarily producing enough heat. This is usually due to the air filter being clogged and can easily be taken care of on your own.

  • Step 1: You need to find the filter. It should either be inside the furnace or the intake of it.
  • Step 2: To test if the filter needs to be changed or not, you can hold it up against a light. If you see light coming through, that means it is fine. If there is no light coming through, it means that dust and debris cover the filter and it needs to be changed.
  • Step 3: Put in a new filter. There should be an arrow on it, letting you know which side goes in first. 

You can also opt to clean the filter but it is important that you replace an old filter with a new one every couple of months when the furnace is in use.

4. Check the Pilot Control of the Furnace

The ignition switch plays a vital role in whether the furnace functions or not. A faulty switch can lead to the furnace not providing enough heat to keep your home warm. 

  • Step 1: Reset the ignition by turning the power of the furnace off and the on again.
  • Step 2: Turn the furnace off and make sure the gas is also off. You need to inspect the heating element of it to see whether it has cracks or any other damage. But make sure not to touch it. If you find any damage, it means the igniter needs to be replaced.
  • Step 3: To determine how to change the igniter, you should check the manual of the furnace since it varies from one to another.

DIY Furnace Repair isn’t so Scary after all!

When it comes to gas furnace repair, you can do some repairs on your own. However, it is best to consult a heating contractor in Sacramento at Clarke & Rush. We are the most trusted heater repair company in Sacramento. We do not pay our repair technicians on commission like most HVAC contractor companies in Sacramento, so you can count on honest estimates and fair pricing.

Is My Sewer Line Broken?

It can be hard for an inexperienced homeowner to tell the difference between the signs of a clogged sewer line and one that is broken and needs to be repaired. In this article, the plumbing experts at Clarke & Rush present some of the telltale signs that can alert you to the possibility that your sewer line is broken. If you notice any of the following signs, contact your local Sacramento plumber to prevent additional damage to the sewer line. 

Lush Patches of Grass

If you notice that a section of your lawn is more green, thriving and lusher than other parts, chances are a sewer or water line is broken in that area. The water and the nutrients carried in a sewer line make very good fertilizer for plants, so when the line breaks, the grass in that area of the breakage will be lusher than the rest of your yard.

Don’t ignore fixing the broken sewer line because you think your lawn is benefitting. If the problem persists for long, additional costlier issues could develop, such as the risk of disease outbreaks due to the pathogens thriving in the leaking sewage. Ask your local plumber to take a look and execute the needed sewer line repairs as soon as possible.

An Infestation of Insects and Rodents

We asked our friends, Tureks Plumbing, plumbers in Appleton WI, about signs of possible sewer line damage. They said that sewer line damage to contend with is increased insect and rodent activity in your home. When a sewer line is broken, rodents and insects easily crawl through the broken section and enter the sewer pipe. These pests will then find their way into your home, and that will be the beginning of a previously nonexistent pest and rodent infestation.

If you have pests and rodents in your home and everything you do to contain the problem doesn’t seem to help, it might be time to contact a Clarke & Rush plumber to inspect the sewer and general plumbing system for damage.

Wall and Foundation Cracks

It is normal for a building to develop cracks in its foundation and walls as it settles. However, if these cracks develop out of the blue, then there is a possibility that a water or sewer line has broken. That water or sewage released by that damage may be washing away sections of the underpinnings of the foundation, hence the cracks. It might be worthwhile to have a complete inspection done to establish what exactly is causing the cracks. If it is established that a sewer line break is responsible, then Clarke & Rush can provide the expertise and tools needed to repair the damage.

Mold and Mildew

When you see spots on the floors, ceilings, and walls, there is a water or sewer line that has broken and is leaking onto those surfaces. If this problem isn’t brought to the attention of a Sacramento plumber promptly, the defect will worsen and cause extensive damage to the exterior, interior, and even foundation of the home.

A Soggy Lawn

This sign is closely related to inexplicably lush pockets of vegetation in your yard. However, when a sewer or water line break is large enough, the water can saturate the ground above the affected pipe and cause the soil there to be soggy.

This soggy soil can start being washed away by the water, and depressions will develop around the area of the damaged sewer or water pipe. The soggy part of the lawn becomes unusable until your local plumber fixes the damage and the soil dries once no more excess water is infiltrating it.

Gurgling Toilets

Does your toilet gurgle each time you flush it? This may be a pointer that a sewer line is broken and the air is finding its way into the sewer pipe. As this trapped air escapes, it causes a gurgling sound to emanate from the flowing wastewater. Get a Clarke & Rush plumber on it ASAP so that sewage doesn’t start backing up as the problem worsens.

Have you observed one of the signs above and you suspect that your sewer line may be broken? Give us a call at Clarke & Rush, and we will send one of our experienced plumbers to inspect and fix the problem cost-effectively.

Repiping Services in Sacramento

Take Efficiency and Cleanliness to Another Level With New Pipes Today!

Are you tired of the endless defects that develop in your water or sewer pipes? Or maybe your water pipes have aged and you need a repiping service? Our Sacramento plumbers have decades of experience in repiping homes just like yours, so call us today for an inspection and quote for your repiping project.

Signs It’s Time to Repipe the Plumbing System

  • The water pressure inside your home has dropped inexplicably.
  • The pipes are aging and are at risk of failing catastrophically anytime.
  • The water in your home has developed a foul smell or a bad taste.
  • Pipe leaks have become a frequent occurrence and your repair bills are becoming unsustainable.
  • Your water bill is rising even when your water usage habits haven’t changed.
  • Mold is growing in different parts of your home even if there’s no visible source of moisture in those areas.

If you are experiencing any, some or all of the signs above, call Clarke & Rush today so that we can give you a quote and get the repiping work started.

Repiping Services: Water Lines Using Copper or Pex Pipes

Repiping refers to a process through which all the existing pipes in a plumbing system are removed and replaced with new ones. The most common piping materials used during a repiping project are PEX pipes and copper pipes.

At Clarke & Rush, we have mastered the art and science of repiping residential and commercial properties using either of those materials. We know that some homeowners may not be in the position to tell why they should select one material and not the other, but not to worry. Here is what you need to know to make an informed decision about the best material for your water line repiping project:

Repiping Services Using PEX Pipe

PEX stands for “cross-linked polyethylene.” This specially designed piping material has unique attributes that make it suitable for residential, commercial and industrial water line systems. The benefits of PEX include;

  • It can last for up to 75 years, so this makes it an attractive material for both new construction and retrofit projects.
  • It is easier to install since it only requires few fittings.
  • Its flexibility makes it suitable for all weather conditions since it can contract and expand as need arises.
  • It is affordable since its purchase price and installation cost is low.
  • It resists condensation.
  • It is quiet (water doesn’t make noise as it flows through the pipes).
  • It resists corrosion when exposed to acidic water.

The only known drawbacks of PEX pipes are;

  • It is vulnerable to damage caused by UV radiation, so it is only suitable for indoor use.
  • It isn’t resistant to contaminants.

Repiping Services Using Copper Pipes

You may already be familiar with copper piping since this material has been used for decades in both residential and non-residential water lines. The major advantages of repiping the waterline of your home with copper pipes include;

  • It is very durable.
  • It is resistant to damage by UV radiation, and this makes the material suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications.
  • Copper inhibits the growth of bacteria, so you will have no fear of microbial growths in your water supply.
  • It is workable, and therefore easy to install.

The only drawbacks of copper piping are;

  • It is susceptible to damage by acidic water.
  • The pipes are costlier than PEX pipes.

Making the Choice

The Sacramento plumbers at Clarke & Rush strongly believe that each home is unique, so there is often no clear cut answer about the material to use until we have inspected your home and discussed with you what we believe is the most cost-effective way to repipe your water line.

Let our plumbers put their more than five decades of experience in this business at your service during every step of the project. We are committed to not only repiping your home but also providing all the other plumbing services that you need to keep your bathrooms, water heaters, kitchens, disposals and any other plumbing fixture working at their very best for their entire service lives. Contact us today!

How to Select a Quiet HVAC Unit for Your Home

The noise generated by the HVAC unit in your home can be really irritating. It is therefore advisable for you to consider your HVAC’s noise when you’re shopping for HVAC units. The experts at Clarke & Rush give the following tips on AC noise prevention or management.

Pay Attention to the Decibel Rating

Noise is measured in units called decibels (dB). All equipment, such as air conditioners and air compressors, which generates noise have a decibel rating indicated on the product label or tag so that buyers know what to expect when they select that particular product. It is, therefore, best that you select a unit with the lowest decibel rating possible. AC replacement experts in Sacramento caution that quieter units may be priced higher than their noisier counterparts are due to the added materials and technology that goes into designing those units. Clarke & Rush HVAC technicians advise that you ask the supplier of the AC unit to explain or compare what the different ratings mean when compared to everyday noise, such as the noise in a busy restaurant.

Have the Unit Correctly Sized for Your Home

Getting an incorrectly sized HVAC unit for your home can set you up for years of more noise than you would have had to put up with if you had selected the right unit for your home. For example, a unit that is too small for the home will work harder (stay on longer) than a correctly sized unit. The longer the unit stays on, the more noise it generates. Larger units also cycle on and off more frequently and that results in more noise. Ask an AC repair technician in Sacramento to assess your home and needs so that he or she recommends the best sized AC unit for your property. This will save you from being exposed to unnecessary noise.

Acquire Other Devices to Keep the Unit from Overworking

Even a correctly sized unit can occasionally overwork when the conditions in the home change. For example, the high humidity during winter can result in more AC unit noise as the system battles to keep humidity within acceptable levels. Similarly, conditions in kitchens and bathrooms when those places are being used overwork HVAC units due to the added moisture generated. Installing an exhaust fan in the kitchen and bathroom as well as buying a humidifier to adjust the humidity levels can reduce the strain your unit faces and result in less noise. The Clarke & Rush technician helping you will recommend which ancillary devices you need to keep the HVAC unit from working too hard.

Look for Units With Inbuilt Sound Attenuation

Technology has advanced and many HVAC units are manufactured with features that reduce how much noise those units generate. When doing AC replacement in Sacramento, consider units that have variable speed fans. Such fans adjust how hard they work (and therefore the noise they generate) depending on the load on the HVAC unit. Other sound-attenuation features include compressor insulation, insulated fan base, and fans designed in ways or from materials that minimize sound generation. As already mentioned, these models of HVAC units may be more expensive than the ordinary versions which don’t have sound attenuation features, so make your budget accordingly.

Pick the Installation Site Carefully

Where you want the HVAC unit to be installed can also affect how much noise will get to you while that unit is working. For example, an HVAC unit installed on the rooftop may make less noise than a unit that is right outside your bedroom window. The professionals at Clarke & Rush usually select an installation site that will cause the least noise problem for house occupants, but homeowners reserve the right to accept or reject that suggestion. Defer to the opinion of the AC installation expert in Sacramento so that you don’t expose yourself to more HVAC unit noise than is unavoidable.

Make Routine Maintenance a Norm

Once the HVAC unit has been installed, it may or may not operate quietly depending on how much attention you devote to preventive maintenance. For example, moving parts that go without lubrication for a long time will become noisy. Similarly, loose bolts and nuts can also generate noise as the unit is working. Annual inspection and maintenance conducted by a professional from Clarke & Rush in Sacramento will forestall these avoidable causes of AC unit noise.

As you can see, the noise generated by your HVAC system can be linked to the decisions you made when buying that unit, how and where it was installed, and what you do to maintain the system after it has been installed. This complicated mix of factors can only be got right if you involve an experienced AC replacement expert in Sacramento, such as those from Clarke & Rush during every step of the process. Give us a call today if you are having AC noise issues with your current unit and we will work with you to get and install a replacement which is less noisey.

How to Keep Cool Air Inside

This part of the year compels most people in Sacramento to pay more attention to how to stay cool, and you may not be an exception. Without being taken up by all the things available on sale to this end, are there measures you can take to keep cool air inside your home without running up a humongous utility bill? In this article, HVAC professionals at Clarke & Rush share some steps that you can take to keep cool without using a lot of energy this summer.

Pick the Low-Hanging Fruit (Your Windows)

Those large windows on your house may just be the reason why your home can’t seem to get cool enough during summer. The glass panes allow sunlight to get into the house, and this causes the temperature inside to go up.

It therefore follows that any step you take to prevent sunlight from entering the home will have a beneficial effect on the indoor temperature. AC repair technicians in Sacramento suggest that you switch to window coverings which are thicker or block sunlight in other ways. For example, window tint will block heat and light from entering the home through the windows. Window blinds and thicker curtains, or even shutters can also serve the purpose, so take your pick.

Snoop Out and Fix All Leaks

When was the last time you closely checked the exterior walls to identify and seal all the tiny cracks through which warm air from outside can enter your home in summer? Those seemingly tiny gaps in the wall can have a big impact on the rate at which cool air escapes from your home as hot air finds its way in. Before you consider AC replacement in Sacramento, fix those leaks and see if what you thought was an inefficient AC unit does a satisfactory job of cooling your home once again. You stand a better chance of fixing those leaks if you ask a professional to perform an energy audit of your home.

Insulation is the Unsung Hero

Your home may still be costing a lot to cool in summer even if no leaks exist. How is this possible? Insulation, or the lack of it, is the answer. As you may know, heat is transmitted from a hotter location to a cooler location. In this case, the hotter location is outdoors while the cool location is the interior of your home. Clarke & Rush, the best Sacramento HVAC company, recommends that you install insulation where it is lacking, such as in the attic, if you want to have a cooler home minus having to pay through the nose for energy to attain that desired temperature.

Rethink How You Run the AC

This is one topic on which you will find a lot of contradicting information online. For example, some sources may advise you to leave the AC running at the same temperature settings as those you prefer when you are home while others will be radical and suggest that you turn the AC off while you are away in order to save energy.

Think back to what we mentioned earlier about how heat moves from a hotter place to a cooler one and you will realize that it is simple to manage your cooling costs without sacrificing comfort.

Sacramento HVAC repair professionals suggest that you raise the thermostat settings in order to reduce the temperature differential between the interior of your home and the outdoors while you are away, then you can adjust to a more appropriate setting while you are around. In this way, the AC unit will not work so hard to keep the home cool while you are away (thereby using less energy). Of course a programmable thermostat, or better yet one with Wi-Fi capabilities, is the best in this regard since you can control the cooling system remotely.

Size the AC Unit Properly

Another simple way to manage the cooling costs of your home is by acquiring an AC unit which is the appropriate size for that home. Smaller units work extra hard during the hotter months while bigger units use more energy and cycle on and off more frequently (thereby increasing wear on the equipment and inflating your spend on energy). When your AC unit is the right size, it will work efficiently to keep the home cool. Give Clarke & Rush a call if you aren’t certain your unit is correctly sized and our professional opinion will give you ideas on what to do to correct the situation.

Use a Fan

The degree to which you feel comfortable doesn’t rest squarely on the temperature inside your home. How the air feels also matters. A ceiling fan can blow the cooler air closer to the floor onto your skin and you will feel more comfortable, says a leading HVAC repair professional in Sacramento. This trick alone can allow you to adjust the thermostat to a higher setting without feeling hotter within the house. 

Have you tried the measures above and your home is still costing you a lot to cool during summer? Contact Clarke & Rush today for a professional assessment of what is going on. We will then recommend the most cost-effective ways to keep your home cool without incurring high energy costs.

How to Create a Realistic Budget for Your AC Replacement

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]If you’ve had your unit for 10+ years, you should start thinking about replacing your current AC unit if it is approaching the end of its expected service life, has become unreliable or its efficiency is dropping rapidly. Planning to replace the AC requires a budget, and coming up with a budget for this project is often difficult for many homeowners. Here are some suggestions on the budgeting process provided by the HVAC professionals at Clarke & Rush, the best Sacramento HVAC company. This information will help you to create a realistic budget for this major home improvement project.

Determine the Right System for Your Home

The first step when creating a budget for your AC replacement project is asking an AC replacement expert in Sacramento to assess your home and recommend the most appropriate AC system for that property. For example, the technician can consider the home insulation improvements that you made and the additional electrical appliances which you have installed over the years to recommend a bigger unit to account for the added generation of heat, for example. Once you know the type and size of the system, it is easy for the HVAC contractor in Sacramento to give you a rough range of what that system will cost, plus labor and any other incidentals.

How Much Can You Allocate to the Project?

The amount of money that you can invest in a new HVAC unit will depend on several factors, such as what is left when you spend on other necessities (mortgage, transportation, food, etc.). You should avoid a situation in which you end up spending much more than you can afford on a new AC unit since this can throw your finances out of whack for years to come.

Think About Your Home Equity

Many Sacramento homeowners that HVAC replacement technicians work with finance their purchase of the AC themselves. These people use the equity in their homes as a basis for financing the project. Are you thinking along the same lines? Compare the outstanding balance on the home mortgage to the current market value of that property. The net difference will give you how much equity you have in the home. Technicians at Clarke & Rush, the best Sacramento HVAC company, say that homeowners with sizable home equity attract the best lenders, so make sure that you will not find it difficult to secure financing using the equity in your home.

Check Your Credit Rating

Financial institutions use complex algorithms to attach a value to the credit rating of a potential borrower. Some of the factors they rely on to rate your credit worthiness is your loan repayment history, your current level of indebtedness and your current income. The higher your credit rating, the easier it will be for you to get financing at the best terms. You might want to rethink the timing of your AC purchase decision if your credit rating is low and lenders are shying away from you.

Clarify Your Needs and Preferences

AC replacement professionals in Sacramento explain that one of the biggest factors affecting the budget of homeowners who wish to acquire a new AC are the needs or preferences of those individuals. For example, some people may be comfortable with a no-frills model while others want a unit with all the bells and whistles available. Also, some homeowners are ardent believers in certain brands (which may be more expensive) while others are flexible regarding the AC brand they buy. Such preferences can inflate or keep the budget affordable. It therefore helps to be upfront and reveal your preferences to the HVAC replacement technician you hire so that all decisions are made with those considerations in mind.

As you can see, creating a budget for your AC unit replacement isn’t something that can be done in a hurry. Use all the resources available to you, such as an experienced technician from Clarke & Rush, online AC cost calculators and any other professional advice you can get so that the budget you develop is realistic and manageable. At Clarke & Rush, we understand the complexities of AC unit replacement projects and we gladly help homeowners in Sacramento to navigate this process and come out on top. Give us a call today![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Can I Move an HVAC Unit Myself

Can I Move an HVAC Unit Myself?

Have you recently considered the possibility of moving the outdoor AC unit from its current position to another part of your property? In this article, you’ll discover some of the reasons for, and the challenges that this task involves so that you make an informed decision on whether you can take on this task by yourself or professional help is needed.

Reasons Why It May Be Necessary to Relocate Your HVAC Unit 

Aesthetic purposes.

One of the common reasons we hear from homeowners who want to move their HVAC units is that they would like that unit to be shifted to another position where it will not be a blemish (an eyesore) to the aesthetics of the property. 

Adding an extension to the property.

AC repair in Sacramento experts also see cases in which a homeowner wants to relocate the HVAC unit in order to make way for an extension/addition to the home. For example, you may be interested in adding a bedroom to your house but the outdoor AC unit is occupying part of the space that you would like to use. Moving the unit elsewhere will free this space and allow you to construct the home extension.

Complying with new building codes

Building codes evolve based on the new information about potential hazards or other concerns observed by the authorities in an area. When building codes change, all property owners are required to make adjustments so that they remain code compliant. One such change could be an increase in the minimum distance between the house and the location of the HVAC unit or any such issue.

Changes to the Landscaping

 The Clarke & Rush HVAC team have also handled HVAC unit relocation assignments for which the property owners wanted to respond to a change in the landscaping. For example, some wanted to move the outdoor unit to a more shaded area while others wanted to add plants in the area occupied by the unit.

Issues During HVAC Unit Relocation

Refrigerant Line Issues

 Experienced AC repair professionals in Sacramento know that the refrigerant line must never be bent or else a leak will develop after the relocation. Additionally, all the refrigerant must be evacuated before the relocation, and then the line has to be cleaned out to expel any air, moisture or other contaminants that may have found their way into the line during the move. Only then can the refrigerant be pumped back into the system. Also, the length and orientation (the slope, for example) of the new line should never exceed what the unit was designed to pump refrigerant through. If the distance is very long, the efficiency of your system will be affected. Do you have the capacity to handle these refrigerant line considerations?

AC Wiring Issues

AC replacement or relocation in Sacramento also involves making adjustments to the wiring system of the HVAC unit. For example, the electrical wiring of the thermostat needs to be lengthened to the new location. Similarly, the wiring to the disconnect box also has to be extended by the extra distance involved. It may also be necessary to protect or cover the extra wiring in order to avoid safety hazards (tripping hazards, for example) if the wiring runs through high-traffic areas. A high level of electrical training or experience may be needed if you are to accomplish the wiring adjustments safely and properly.

HVAC system leveling.

It is also important to check the new installation and confirm that everything is still level after you relocate the outdoor unit. This isn’t a task that can be accomplished by just looking at the lines and the different components, the experts at the best Sacramento HVAC company warn. Do you have the skills and the tools to confirm how level the system is?

As you can see, the task of relocating your HVAC unit requires more than just lifting the unit and taking it to its new position. Your safety and the efficiency of your HVAC unit is at stake, so you would be well advised to contact Clarke & Rush so that the professionals handle this job. Only then will you be sure that you won’t incur unexpected expenses of fixing problems that develop during a DIY relocation.

Cost of Central Air


Cost of central air installation in your home

You would be extremely miserable if you had to live in Sacramento without air conditioning. Fortunately, there are many ac replacement options on the market if your air conditioner is on its last legs. In this article, you’ll discover a general range on how much it may cost you to replace your current AC with a new one.

Indicative AC Installation Costs

  • Central AC Installation: $3,500-$7,600
  • Ductless Air Conditioning Installation: $3,000-$5,000
  • Gas Furnace Installation: $4,000-$6,500
  • Heat Pump Installation: $5,000-$6,500

Air Conditioning Unit Price Factors

The average costs of an ac unit will change based on the specific factors which are applicable in your situation. Here are some of the AC unit cost factors which the AC installation in Sacramento expert will discuss with you.

The Size of Your House

Room or house size is one of the biggest factors that influence the price of the AC unit, which you will need for your home. HVAC technicians at Clarke & Rush explain that generally, larger homes will require bigger and more expensive AC units to cool or heat that space.

You will hear the technician talking about “tons” in reference to the capacity of the different AC units. That measurement refers to how much heat the AC unit can extract from the home each hour. Expertise is required when determining the appropriate AC unit strength so that you don’t get an ac unit too big or too small for your home. When it comes to ACs, bigger doesn’t mean better, so let an expert from the best HVAC company in Sacramento, Clarke & Rush, find that sweet spot where the unit is just big enough to perform optimally.

The Type of AC You Select

The cost you incur to replace your AC unit will also vary depending on the particular type of AC you select. For example, a central AC unit will cost more than window units or mini-split AC units. If the existing system is a central air conditioning system with existing ductwork, then it may not be as costly for you to replace it with another central AC unit. It is advisable for you to talk to an AC installation in Sacramento professional before you make a decision regarding which way to go.


Surprisingly, the extent to which your home is insulated will play a role in determining the size of the AC unit you acquire to replace the aging one. If leaks exist in the house envelop, you will need a bigger and therefore more expensive unit to compensate for that loss of conditioned air. This is one of the reasons why it is wise to have the insulation of your home evaluated and improved before you purchase and install a new AC unit.

Tax Credits

Another factor which may have an effect on the cost of installing a replacement AC unit is the tax credits or rebates which you qualify for. These depend on where you live, the efficiency of the unit you wish to buy and some other factors. The rebates can be federal, state, or local government-initiated. It is therefore important for you to work with professionals from reputable HVAC companies in Sacramento, such as Clarke & Rush so that the contractor can take care of all the paperwork related to the tax credits which you qualify for regarding the AC installation.

The AC Brand You Select

AC unit prices also differ based on the brand that you prefer. An AC unit with the same specifications as another may have a higher or lower price when compared to its cohorts. For example, America Standard lists its unit cost at $3,700, while Goodman indicates a $2,500 price for its units. Research the more than a dozen manufacturers on the U.S. market in consultation with Clarke & Rush, an AC installation professional in Sacramento, so that you select the most appropriately priced unit for your needs.

Now that you know the main factors which will influence the final cost you incur to acquire and have a replacement AC unit installed in your home, get several bids from different AC installers and compare them item by item. If that is too much work for you, just ask us at Clarke & Rush to give you our most competitive bid, and we will gladly help you to get the best AC replacement unit for your needs.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]